jansvoboda11 wrote:

> Thanks for iterating! I find the current implementation much clearer.

Thanks for your patience!

> The only thing I might quibble about is the "child" vs. "parent" terminology 
> you changed: I think it's fairly ambiguous either way, because the node is 
> the "child" from the perspective of a top-down include hierarchy, but it's 
> the "parent" from the perspective of the bottom-up search. You could maybe 
> change it to IncludedFile or something, but I don't feel very strongly about 
> it. Child is no worse than parent so if you prefer child I don't think you 
> need to change it.

I understand. My problem with using "parent" here is that we're using "parent" 
just a couple lines above to describe the opposite relationship:

// - one loc is a parent of the other (we consider the parent as "first")

So I believe framing all the relationships in terms of the top-down 
include/expansion hierarchy makes more sense than mixing them up with the 
bottom-up tree walk.

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