owenpan added a comment.

Thank you for your patience! There are still a few comments not done from the 
previous round.

In D150083#4655528 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D150083#4655528>, @owenpan wrote:

> See also D153228 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D153228>.

Would this patch have a similar performance issue?

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:73
+      Tok = Tok->Next;
+      if (!Tok->Next->is(tok::identifier)) {
+        // If we hit any other kind of token, just bail. It's unusual/illegal.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:93
+  const auto SortOrderMax = Style.ObjCPropertyAttributeOrder.size();
+  const auto SortIndex = [&](const StringRef &Needle) -> unsigned {
+    auto I = SortOrderMap.find(Needle);

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:143
+    const SourceManager &SourceMgr, const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
+    tooling::Replacements &Fixes, const FormatToken *const Tok) const {
+  // Expect `property` to be the very next token or else just bail early.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:185
+    for (const auto *Tok = First; Tok && Tok != Last && Tok->Next;
+         Tok = Tok->Next) {

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:113
+  // Deduplicate the attributes.
+  Indices.erase(std::unique(Indices.begin(), Indices.end(),
jaredgrubb wrote:
> owenpan wrote:
> > Is it valid in Objective-C to have duplicate attributes?
> It's silly, but clang doesn't seem to care. I tried this, so duplicate was 
> ok, but contradiction was flagged:
> ```
> @property (strong, nonatomic, nonatomic) X *X;   // duplicate, but no error
> @property (strong, nonatomic, weak) Y *y;   // error: Property attributes 
> 'strong' and 'weak' are mutually exclusive
> ```
> I wasn't sure whether to do this, but went that way since that's what "sort 
> include files" did. However, it seems like an odd corner case so I'd be ok 
> removing this uniquing if you prefer.
We should keep the duplicates if clang accepts them. What happens to e.g. 
`@property(x=a, y=b, x=a, y=c)`?

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:184
+  for (AnnotatedLine *Line : AnnotatedLines) {
+    if (!Line->Affected || Line->InPPDirective)
+      continue;
jaredgrubb wrote:
> owenpan wrote:
> > Why not `InPPDirective`?
> I copy-pasted this from `LeftRightQualifierAlignmentFixer::analyze`, which I 
> used as a template since I'm still getting used to the codebase. I wasn't 
> sure whether this was important, so I left it in. But I don't think I have a 
> good reason. 
> I've added a new test case `SortsInPPDirective` that spot-checks some macro 
> definition examples (which did fail unless this `Line->InPPDirective` check 
> was removed, as expected.).
What about `Line->Type != LT_ObjCProperty` I suggested?

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp:190
+      continue;
+    const auto *Last = Line->Last;
jaredgrubb wrote:
> owenpan wrote:
> > Must `@property` be the first non-comment tokens of an unwrapped line in 
> > Objective-C? And at most one `@property` per line?
> I can't think of any token that should precede a `@property`. Aka, I don't 
> think there are any `__attribute__` that can fill that slot. 
> You could have `@optional` or `@required` floating around between 
> property/method declarations. I've added a test-case for a `@property` that 
> is preceded by these tokens and proved that the reordering is handled 
> correctly.
> As for multiple properties in one line, I've never seen a codebase with that. 
> clang-format does split them already.
I asked the questions because if yes, we could move on to the next line before 
hitting the last token of the current line.



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