@@ -1724,6 +1724,33 @@ TEST(InlayHints, RestrictRange) {
               ElementsAre(labelIs(": int"), labelIs(": char")));
+TEST(ParameterHints, PseudoObjectExpr) {
+  Annotations Code(R"cpp(
+    struct S {
+      __declspec(property(get=GetX, put=PutX)) int x[];
+      int GetX(int y, int z) { return 42 + y; }
+      void PutX(int y) { x = $one[[y]]; } // FIXME: Undesired `x = y: y` for 
this ill-formed expression.
zyn0217 wrote:

Sorry, I'm a bit inaccurate here: The assignment expression in `PutX` is not 
ill-formed but would expand to a recursive call to `PutX` since we're assigning 
to the member with the very setter. (Of course, this would end up crashing if 
we [run the program](https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/e3fW3W73a).)

I think I was suggesting that this is a bad case for supporting such an 
extension: the assignment expression could be of a syntactic form with an 
inappropriate hint location though.

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