@@ -6,14 +7,80 @@ float z();
 #pragma float_control(except, on)
 class ON {
   float w = 2 + y() * z();
-  // CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN2ONC2Ev{{.*}}
-  // CHECK: llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul{{.*}}tonearest{{.*}}strict
 ON on;
 #pragma float_control(except, off)
 class OFF {
   float w = 2 + y() * z();
-  // CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN3OFFC2Ev{{.*}}
-  // CHECK-NOT: llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul{{.*}}tonearest{{.*}}strict
 OFF off;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__cxx_global_var_init(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0:[0-9]+]] section ".text.startup" {
rjmccall wrote:

1. Are all of these checks necessary?  If so, please explain why in the test so 
that maintainers will understand what you're testing for.
2. Do you need to be checking the actual content of the attributes here?

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