ChuanqiXu9 wrote:

> > Since there is no meaningful review opinions here, let's continue it in a 
> > new and clean PR: #75894
> Note that this leaves behind all who have hit "Subscribe" on this PR to keep 
> tabs on things (I wish Github provided a way to mark-as-duplicate and merge 
> the subscriber list). All of the references to this PR are now confused as 
> well. What benefit does a "clean" PR provide?

>From my experience, a cleaner PR will be easier for new people to get the 
>context or we look back after times. The more the comments are, the more 
>confused readers get. Generally a cleaner PR is not suggested since it lost 
>the context. But for this specific example, I think it makes sense since the 
>context here is not so meaning full.

> Note that this leaves behind all who have hit "Subscribe" on this PR to keep 
> tabs on things 

Sorry for that. But I think it may not be a big deal since people who still 
want to take an eye this can made it by clicking two times simply.
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