rorth wrote:

> I'll give such a patch a try...

That would be something like
int internal_fork(void) {
  // Call syscall directly to avoid pthread_atfork handler processing.
  // This is highly unportable on Solaris since syscalls are an implementation
  // detail subject to change.
  return syscall(SYS_forksys, 0, 0);
Unfortunately, this fails miserably: at least every asan test that invokes the 
`llvm-symbolizer` fails like
==4030==Launching Symbolizer process: /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer --demangle 
--inlines --default-arch=i386 
==4031==Waiting on the process failed (errno 10).
==4031==WARNING: external symbolizer didn't start up correctly!
>From all I could learn from the OpenSolaris `libc` code 
>(`lib/libc/port/threads/scalls.c` (`forkx`), it seems that there happens so 
>much processing on `libc`-internal data structures that cannot simply be 
>skipped that there's no reasonable chance to run `fork` without the handlers.  
>Expecting to be able to seems to be hack that may work on some platforms, but 
>not on others.
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