@@ -396,6 +396,36 @@ struct FormatStyle {
   /// \version 17
   ShortCaseStatementsAlignmentStyle AlignConsecutiveShortCaseStatements;
+  /// Style of aligning consecutive TableGen cond operator colons.
+  /// \code
+  ///   !cond(!eq(size, 1) : 1,
+  ///         !eq(size, 16): 1,
+  ///         true         : 0)
+  /// \endcode
+  /// \version 18
+  AlignConsecutiveStyle AlignConsecutiveTableGenCondOperatorColons;
+  /// Style of aligning consecutive TableGen DAGArg operator colons.
+  /// Intended to be used with TableGenBreakInsideDAGArgList
+  /// \code
+  ///   let dagarg = (ins
+  ///       a  :$src1,
+  ///       aa :$src2,
+  ///       aaa:$src3
+  ///   )
+  /// \endcode
+  /// \version 18
+  AlignConsecutiveStyle AlignConsecutiveTableGenBreakingDAGArgColons;
+  /// Style of aligning consecutive TableGen def colons.
+  /// \code
+  ///   def Def       : Parent {}
+  ///   def DefDef    : Parent {}
+  ///   def DefDefDef : Parent {}
+  /// \endcode
+  /// \version 18
+  AlignConsecutiveStyle AlignConsecutiveTableGenDefinitions;
hnakamura5 wrote:

The option AlignConsecutiveDeclarations aligns the identifier that is declared.
This AlignConsecutiveTableGenDefinitions option aligns the inheritance colon of 
def, that is the style often seen in TableGen file formatted by hand.
The name seems confusing. I changed the name to clarify it aligns colon.

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