ChuanqiXu9 wrote:

> > Like I said in the commit message, this patch itself doesn't involve 
> > anything relevant to user interfaces. I left it to the latter patches.
> Are you in a position to post the next patch (at least as a draft)? That 
> would help me see the direction.

I post it here
 since I didn't get how to send stacked pr in github yet. But I guess it might 
be sufficient since it is really in an early phase.

> > > * I was concerned from earlier conversations that this design might 
> > > require a codegen back end to be instantiated to allow the reduced BMI 
> > > (which would be bad for --precompile/-fmodule-only type jobs). Any 
> > > comments?
> > 
> > 
> > I am not sure if I understand this. What does it mean "require a codegen 
> > back end to be instantiated to allow the reduced BMI "? Do you mean to not 
> > touch CodeGen part or to not touch the CodeGen action? My local patch 
> > touched the code gen action without touching any real CodeGen related 
> > things.
> > > the reduced BMI (which would be bad for --precompile/-fmodule-only type 
> > > jobs)
> > 
> > 
> > For `--precompile/-fmodule-only` type jobs, I'll create another action to 
> > make it (Similar to existing `GenerateModuleInterfaceAction`). Then both of 
> > the actions will try to reuse the same consumer `ReducedBMIGenerator` to 
> > avoid repeated works.
> OK, that answers my concern (which was that we might have to add the code-gen 
> backend to a --precompile if that was the mechanism used to do the BMI 
> reduction).
> > > * It would be better to avoid introducing more layering violations but, 
> > > as we discussed in face-to-face meetings, I have less concern on the 
> > > output side.  It still seems to me that the best model is one where we 
> > > have AST transforms (that very likely need Sema to be correct) and then 
> > > the serializer is a simple as possible.
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah, it should be less concerned. BTW, currently the simpler 
> > serializer/deserializer should be ASTRecordWriter/ASTRecordReader. And the 
> > current ASTReader/ASTWriter takes some semantical job.
> ... and, on the reader side, that already gives us some big problems (as I 
> say, I am less concerned on the writer side, but who can see the whole 
> future?).

I guess you're referring the process how we decide a declaration is visible?

> > > so something like
> > > ```
> > > raw AST +======== > codegen (when required)
> > >         |
> > >         + =====> AST transforms ====> BMI output.
> > > ```
> > > 
> > > 
> > >     
> > >       
> > >     
> > > 
> > >       
> > >     
> > > 
> > >     
> > >   
> > > As I understand the patch you are combining the transform with the output?
> > 
> > 
> > On the one hand, the **current** patch doesn't do that. The current patch 
> > is almost a NFC patch. It belongs to the following patch. On the other 
> > hand, the answer may be yes. Probably I did the `AST transforms` you said 
> > in the AST Writer. I don't feel it is so awful.
> Maybe not for the short-term relatively simple tasks - but we should also 
> take a view on the medium and longer term (for example, GMF decl elision is 
> likely to be helpful to users in reducing both the size of the BMI and the 
> number of decls that need merging on input).

For GMF decl elision, I posted a patch to implement it in ASTWriter and I 
reposted it in The big problem 
is that this is not formal. (Just for sharing, I am not proposing this now)

> We need the AST in this path to be mutable (including removal of decls); that 
> way each transform can be maintained as a separate entity - I think that if 
> we end up doing "many transforms" as part of the output, it will become very 
> confusing.

While the model sounds good, I am pessimistic for making it correctly, 
completely, and efficiently.

> _(although, to be clear, i**n the short-term we might agree to do the work in 
> the output** - I really do think it would be bad to make that the long term 
> mechanism)._

Not against, I just think it is not so bad. There already many optimizations in 
the current serializations.

> > Given all of us loves reduced BMI, I suggest we can fosus on current patch 
> > then discuss user interfaces related things in the next patch after this 
> > got landed.
> We do all want to produce the reduced BMI, I agree; but we also always have 
> limited resources to do the work, so that it would be good to try and pick an 
> implementation that will be smooth for the future work too.

Understood. I just think it won't be too bad. Or it is not easy for us to get a 
much better solution in the resources we have. I prefer the style that don't 
make perfect the enemy of better.

> I understand the purpose of the current patch better now - and will try to 
> take a more detailed look over the next few days

I don't intend to land this in clang18. So we don't need to be hurry.

> - as noted above, it would help very much to have a preview of the next patch 
> in the series.

Sent. But I just feel it is not so helpful for reviewing this patch : )
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