@@ -157,3 +157,33 @@ unexpected b; // expected-error@33 1-1 {{unknown type}}
 // what-error {{huh?}}
 // CHECK9: error: 'what-error' diagnostics expected but not seen:
+// RUN: not %clang_cc1 -DTEST_WIDE_DELIM -verify %s 2>&1 | FileCheck 
-check-prefix=CHECK-WIDE-DELIM %s
+// expected-error {{{some message with {{}} in it}}}
+// expected-error {{{some message with  {}} in it}}}
+// expected-error {{{some message with {{}  in it}}}
+// expected-error-re {{{some {{.*}} regex with double braces}}}
+// expected-error-re {{{some message with {{}  in it}}}
+// expected-error {{{mismatched delim}}
+// expected-error-re {{{mismatched re {{.*} }}}
+// expected-error-re {{{no regex}}}
+#if 0
+//      CHECK-WIDE-DELIM: error: 'expected-error' diagnostics expected but not 
+// CHECK-WIDE-DELIM-NEXT:   verify.c Line 164: some message with {{[{]{}[}]}} 
in it
erichkeane wrote:

Its more the "#if 0" I'm concerned about, are these checks even running?  I 
thought FileCheck used the lexer to get preprocessed files.

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