minglotus-6 wrote:

> > Breaks https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/127/builds/60635 Please fix 
> > or revert.
> Thanks for reporting the problem @vitalybuka !
> I don't have a Windows machine to reproduce the issue. It is not clear to me 
> how the IR can contain names like 
> `"??_C@_0BA@MIKMMAII@rawprof?4profraw?$AA@"`. Do we have some special name 
> mangling treatment on Windows?
> I will modify the test to check for a more general pattern, but I will not 
> know the result till the fix lands.

Sometimes godbolt output (like https://godbolt.org/z/MxbjcnanW) could be faster 
and more convenient (e.g., there is no need to get windows executable to for 
debugging, only LLVM IR is needed).

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