steakhal wrote:

> Please let us know if this change is disruptive to you though, thanks!

I'm not really well versed about c++ initialization, so I asked my collage 
@tomasz-kaminski-sonarsource, to double-check how `CXXNewExpr` initialization 
is done per standard.
I'll try to summarize what we discussed:

The enum we had in the past described the syntax of the new expression. 
However, after the introduction of the `Implicit` style kind, this enum tries 
to encode the semantics aspect as well.

Note that the name of the previous kind `CallInit` was misleading, and it 
should have been called `ParenInit` denoting that in the spelling `(...)`'s 
were used. So, in the past, `InitializationStyle` did not try to encode whether 
or not an actual call would be present or not.

To illustrate this, here is a small example:
struct Derived {
  int data1;
  int data2;
void top() {
  // -------------  -----------------
  // const auto *p = new int(); // Call (aka. parens), good (zero inits)
  // const auto *p = new int; // None, good (uninitialized)
  // const auto *p = new Derived; // Implicit, but still leaves everything 
  // const auto *p = new int[10]; // None, good (uninitialized)
  // const auto *p = new Derived[10]; // Implicit, but still leaves everything 
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