@@ -2495,10 +2471,100 @@ static FixItList fixVariableWithSpan(const VarDecl *VD,
   return fixLocalVarDeclWithSpan(VD, Ctx, getUserFillPlaceHolder(), Handler);
+static FixItList fixVarDeclWithArray(const VarDecl *D, const ASTContext &Ctx,
+                                     UnsafeBufferUsageHandler &Handler) {
+  FixItList FixIts{};
+  if (auto CAT = dyn_cast<clang::ConstantArrayType>(D->getType())) {
+    const QualType &ArrayEltT = CAT->getElementType();
+    assert(!ArrayEltT.isNull() && "Trying to fix a non-array type variable!");
+    // FIXME: support multi-dimensional arrays
+    if (isa<clang::ConstantArrayType>(ArrayEltT))
+      return {};
+    const SourceLocation IdentifierLoc = getVarDeclIdentifierLoc(D);
+    // Get the spelling of the element type as written in the source file
+    // (including macros, etc.).
+    auto MaybeElemTypeTxt =
+        getRangeText({D->getBeginLoc(), IdentifierLoc}, Ctx.getSourceManager(),
+                     Ctx.getLangOpts());
+    if (!MaybeElemTypeTxt)
+      return {};
+    const llvm::StringRef ElemTypeTxt = MaybeElemTypeTxt->trim();
+    // Find the '[' token.
+    std::optional<Token> NextTok = Lexer::findNextToken(
+        IdentifierLoc, Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());
+    while (NextTok && !NextTok->is(tok::l_square))
+      NextTok = Lexer::findNextToken(NextTok->getLocation(),
+                                     Ctx.getSourceManager(), 
+    if (!NextTok)
+      return {};
+    const SourceLocation LSqBracketLoc = NextTok->getLocation();
+    // Get the spelling of the array size as written in the source file
+    // (including macros, etc.).
+    auto MaybeArraySizeTxt = getRangeText(
+        {LSqBracketLoc.getLocWithOffset(1), D->getTypeSpecEndLoc()},
+        Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());
+    if (!MaybeArraySizeTxt)
+      return {};
+    const llvm::StringRef ArraySizeTxt = MaybeArraySizeTxt->trim();
+    if (ArraySizeTxt.empty()) {
+      // FIXME: Support array size getting determined from the initializer.
+      // Examples:
+      //    int arr1[] = {0, 1, 2};
+      //    int arr2{3, 4, 5};
+      // We might be able to preserve the non-specified size with `auto` and
+      // `std::to_array`:
+      //    auto arr1 = std::to_array<int>({0, 1, 2});
+      return {};
+    }
+    std::optional<StringRef> IdentText =
+        getVarDeclIdentifierText(D, Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());
+    if (!IdentText) {
+      DEBUG_NOTE_DECL_FAIL(D, " : failed to locate the identifier");
+      return {};
+    }
+    SmallString<32> Replacement;
+    raw_svector_ostream OS(Replacement);
+    OS << "std::array<" << ElemTypeTxt << ", " << ArraySizeTxt << "> "
+       << IdentText->str();
+    FixIts.push_back(FixItHint::CreateReplacement(
+        SourceRange{D->getBeginLoc(), D->getTypeSpecEndLoc()}, OS.str()));
jkorous-apple wrote:

Excellent question!
It is indeed possible so I added a couple more testcases and verified that the 
implementation doesn't produce nonsense when encounters type sugar.

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