@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@ define amdgpu_ps void @test_llvm_amdgcn_fdot2_bf16_bf16_sis(
 ; GFX11:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
 ; GFX11-NEXT:    v_mov_b32_e32 v2, s1
 ; GFX11-NEXT:    s_delay_alu instid0(VALU_DEP_1)
-; GFX11-NEXT:    v_dot2_bf16_bf16 v2, s0, 0x10001, v2
+; GFX11-NEXT:    v_dot2_bf16_bf16 v2, s0, 0x3f803f80, v2
shiltian wrote:

Yeah, but I tested the FP16 version `llvm.amdgcn.fdot2.f16.f16` (w/ trunk w/o 
my patch), it generates `v_dot2_f16_f16 v2, s0, 0x3c003c00, v2`. I think we 
generally have issues with showing inline literals.

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