rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D26196#587135, @yaxunl wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D26196#586433, @rjmccall wrote:
> > I think there are a number of conceptual questions here, chiefly among them 
> > whether an llvm::ConstantPointerNull in an address-space type should have 
> > the correct representation for the target.  If the decision for that is 
> > "no", then ok, we can produce an explicit representation in IRGen; however, 
> > we will need to update quite a bit of code in order to do so correctly.
> As Tom and Matt pointed out, llvm::ConstantPointerNull is the desired 
> representation for a null pointer. However, currently LLVM assumes that it 
> has 0 value extensively, and there is no plan to change that in a foreseeable 
> future. This patch is intended to provide a workaround for this restriction 
> by representing non-zero null pointer in an alternative way.

Yes, I understand the goal of this patch, and I am fine with working around the 
LLVM limitation in the frontend.  I will, however, point out that Clang's 
assumptions about the representation of null are not necessarily any less 
extensive than LLVM's.

>> In general, frontend address spaces don't necessarily correspond to IR 
>> address spaces.  All of your address-space operations need to be 
>> parameterized with a frontend address space (or both a source and dest 
>> address space for conversions).  The question you should be keeping in mind 
>> when designing these APIs is "what if there were an address space defined to 
>> be exactly the generic address space, only with a different null value?"
> Since non-zero null pointer is usually resulted from target restrictions (as 
> in the case of amdgpu target), whether a null pointer needs a special 
> representation only depends on the target or IR address space. Therefore we 
> do not need to consider the address space in the source language. Hopefully 
> this can simplify the implementation.

Please do as I laid out and base this decision on the source-language address 
space.  It will not significantly complicate the implementation.


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