@@ -416,11 +419,124 @@ bool BPFCheckAndAdjustIR::removeGEPBuiltins(Module &M) {
   return Changed;
+// Wrap ToWrap with cast to address space zero:
+// - if ToWrap is a getelementptr,
+//   wrap it's base pointer instead and return a copy;
+// - if ToWrap is Instruction, insert address space cast
+//   immediately after ToWrap;
+// - if ToWrap is not an Instruction (function parameter
+//   or a global value), insert address space cast at the
+//   beginning of the Function F;
+// - use Cache to avoid inserting too many casts;
+static Value *aspaceWrapValue(DenseMap<Value *, Value *> &Cache, Function *F,
+                              Value *ToWrap) {
+  auto It = Cache.find(ToWrap);
+  if (It != Cache.end())
+    return It->getSecond();
+  if (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(ToWrap)) {
+    Value *Ptr = GEP->getPointerOperand();
+    Value *WrappedPtr = aspaceWrapValue(Cache, F, Ptr);
+    auto *GEPTy = cast<PointerType>(GEP->getType());
+    auto *NewGEP = GEP->clone();
+    NewGEP->insertAfter(GEP);
+    NewGEP->mutateType(GEPTy->getPointerTo(0));
+    NewGEP->setOperand(GEP->getPointerOperandIndex(), WrappedPtr);
+    NewGEP->setName(GEP->getName());
+    Cache[ToWrap] = NewGEP;
+    return NewGEP;
+  }
+  IRBuilder IB(F->getContext());
+  if (Instruction *InsnPtr = dyn_cast<Instruction>(ToWrap))
+    IB.SetInsertPoint(*InsnPtr->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
+  else
+    IB.SetInsertPoint(F->getEntryBlock().getFirstInsertionPt());
+  auto *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(ToWrap->getType());
+  auto *ASZeroPtrTy = PtrTy->getPointerTo(0);
+  auto *ACast = IB.CreateAddrSpaceCast(ToWrap, ASZeroPtrTy, ToWrap->getName());
+  Cache[ToWrap] = ACast;
+  return ACast;
+// Wrap a pointer operand OpNum of instruction I
+// with cast to address space zero
+static void aspaceWrapOperand(DenseMap<Value *, Value *> &Cache, Instruction 
+                              unsigned OpNum) {
+  Value *OldOp = I->getOperand(OpNum);
+  if (OldOp->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace() == 0)
+    return;
+  Value *NewOp = aspaceWrapValue(Cache, I->getFunction(), OldOp);
+  I->setOperand(OpNum, NewOp);
+  // Check if there are any remaining users of old GEP,
+  // delete those w/o users
+  for (;;) {
+    auto *OldGEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(OldOp);
+    if (!OldGEP)
+      break;
+    if (!OldGEP->use_empty())
+      break;
+    OldOp = OldGEP->getPointerOperand();
+    OldGEP->eraseFromParent();
+  }
+// Support for BPF arenas:
+// - for each function in the module M, update pointer operand of
+//   each memory access instruction (load/store/cmpxchg/atomicrmw)
+//   by casting it from non-zero address space to zero address space, e.g:
+//   (load (ptr addrspace (N) %p) ...)
+//     -> (load (addrspacecast ptr addrspace (N) %p to ptr))
+// - assign section with name .arena.N for globals defined in
+//   non-zero address space N
+bool BPFCheckAndAdjustIR::insertASpaceCasts(Module &M) {
+  bool Changed = false;
+  for (Function &F : M) {
+    DenseMap<Value *, Value *> CastsCache;
eddyz87 wrote:

I don't think this would be a problem:
- the cache is for wrapped Value, and each Value is defined only once
- the cast instruction, put into cache, is placed right after Value definition 
(if it is an instruction, otherwise it is put at the beginning of the 
function), so it dominates same set of instructions as wrapped value did before 
the transformation

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