to268 wrote:

FYI: There is currently 26 PRs that impacts `Sema.h`, bellow is the bash one 
liner with GitHub CLI to count the numbers of impacted PRs and another one to 
list links to impacted PRs.

- Count all impacted PRs:
gh pr list --json files --jq '.[] | {paths: [.files[].path | select(. == 
"clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h")]} | select(.paths | length > 0)' -L 30000 | 
wc -l
- List the link to all impacted PRs:
gh pr list --json number,files --jq '.[] | select(.files[].path == 
"clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h") | {number}' -L 30000 | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr 
-d '}' | sed 's|^||'
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