ioeric marked an inline comment as done.
ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: change-namespace/ChangeNamespace.cpp:275
+       (DiffOldNsSplitted.empty() ? "-" : DiffOldNsSplitted.front()))
+          .str();
+  auto IsInMovedNs =
hokein wrote:
> Using an invalid name `-` is not an elegant solution to me. Is it possible to 
> avoid it? 
> Maybe we can explicitly specify `IsVisibleInNewNs` using the code like:
> ```
> Optional<ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>> IsVisibleInNewNs = 
> IsInMovedNs;
> if (!DiffOldNsSplitted.empty() )  {
>   std::string Prefix = ... 
>   IsVisibleInNewNs = anyOf(*IsVisibleInNewNs, 
> unless(hasAncestor(namespaceDecl(hasName(Prefix));
> }
> ```
As per offline discussion, this seems to be impossible.

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