@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+//===-- ExpandVariadicsPass.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*-=//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This is an optimisation pass for variadic functions. If called from codegen,
+// it can serve as the implementation of variadic functions for a given target.
+// The target-dependent parts are in namespace VariadicABIInfo. Enabling a new
+// target means adding a case to VariadicABIInfo::create() along with tests.
+// The module pass using that information is class ExpandVariadics.
+// The strategy is:
+// 1. Test whether a variadic function is sufficiently simple
+// 2. If it was, calls to it can be replaced with calls to a different function
+// 3. If it wasn't, try to split it into a simple function and a remainder
+// 4. Optionally rewrite the varadic function calling convention as well
+// This pass considers "sufficiently simple" to mean a variadic function that
+// calls into a different function taking a va_list to do the real work. For
+// example, libc might implement fprintf as a single basic block calling into
+// vfprintf. This pass can then rewrite call to the variadic into some code
+// to construct a target-specific value to use for the va_list and a call
+// into the non-variadic implementation function. There's a test for that.
+// Most other variadic functions whose definition is known can be converted 
+// that form. Create a new internal function taking a va_list where the 
+// took a ... parameter. Move the blocks across. Create a new block containing 
+// va_start that calls into the new function. This is nearly target 
+// Where this transform is consistent with the ABI, e.g. AMDGPU or NVPTX, or
+// where the ABI can be chosen to align with this transform, the function
+// interface can be rewritten along with calls to unknown variadic functions.
+// The aggregate effect is to unblock other transforms, most critically the
+// general purpose inliner. Known calls to variadic functions become zero cost.
+// This pass does define some target specific information which is partially
+// redundant with other parts of the compiler. In particular, the call frame
+// it builds must be the exact complement of the va_arg lowering performed
+// by clang. The va_list construction is similar to work done by the backend
+// for targets that lower variadics there, though distinct in that this pass
+// constructs the pieces using alloca instead of relative to stack pointers.
+// Consistency with clang is primarily tested by emitting va_arg using clang
+// then expanding the variadic functions using this pass, followed by trying
+// to constant fold the functions to no-ops.
+// Target specific behaviour is tested in IR - mainly checking that values are
+// put into positions in call frames that make sense for that particular 
+#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/ExpandVariadics.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
+#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
+#include "llvm/Pass.h"
+#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "expand-variadics"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+namespace VariadicABIInfo {
+// calling convention for passing as valist object, same as it would be in C
+// aarch64 uses byval
+enum class ValistCc { value, pointer, /*byval*/ };
+struct Interface {
+  Interface(uint32_t MinAlign, uint32_t MaxAlign)
+      : MinAlign(MinAlign), MaxAlign(MaxAlign) {}
+  virtual ~Interface() {}
+  const uint32_t MinAlign;
+  const uint32_t MaxAlign;
+  // Most ABIs use a void* or char* for va_list, others can specialise
+  virtual Type *vaListType(LLVMContext &Ctx) {
+    return PointerType::getUnqual(Ctx);
+  }
+  // Lots of targets use a void* pointed at a buffer for va_list.
+  // Some use more complicated iterator constructs.
+  // This interface seeks to express both.
+  // Ideally it would be a compile time error for a derived class
+  // to override only one of valistOnStack, initializeVAList.
+  // How the vaListType is passed
+  virtual ValistCc valistCc() { return ValistCc::value; }
+  // The valist might need to be stack allocated.
+  virtual bool valistOnStack() { return false; }
+  virtual void initializeVAList(LLVMContext &Ctx, IRBuilder<> &Builder,
+                                AllocaInst * /*va_list*/, Value * /*buffer*/) {
+    // Function needs to be implemented iff valist is on the stack.
+    assert(!valistOnStack());
+    llvm_unreachable("Only called if valistOnStack() returns true");
+  }
+  // All targets currently implemented use a ptr for the valist parameter
+  Type *vaListParameterType(LLVMContext &Ctx) {
+    return PointerType::getUnqual(Ctx);
+  }
+  bool vaEndIsNop() { return true; }
+  bool vaCopyIsMemcpy() { return true; }
+struct X64SystemV final : public Interface {
+  // X64 documented behaviour:
+  // Slots are at least eight byte aligned and at most 16 byte aligned.
+  // If the type needs more than sixteen byte alignment, it still only gets
+  // that much alignment on the stack.
+  // X64 behaviour in clang:
+  // Slots are at least eight byte aligned and at most naturally aligned
+  // This matches clang, not the ABI docs.
+  X64SystemV() : Interface(8, 0) {}
+  Type *vaListType(LLVMContext &Ctx) override {
+    auto I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
+    auto Ptr = PointerType::getUnqual(Ctx);
+    return ArrayType::get(StructType::get(Ctx, {I32, I32, Ptr, Ptr}), 1);
+  }
+  ValistCc valistCc() override { return ValistCc::pointer; }
+  bool valistOnStack() override { return true; }
+  void initializeVAList(LLVMContext &Ctx, IRBuilder<> &Builder,
+                        AllocaInst *VaList, Value *VoidBuffer) override {
+    assert(valistOnStack());
+    assert(VaList != nullptr);
+    assert(VaList->getAllocatedType() == vaListType(Ctx));
+    Type *VaListTy = vaListType(Ctx);
+    Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
+    Type *I64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx);
+    Value *Idxs[3] = {
+        ConstantInt::get(I64, 0),
+        ConstantInt::get(I32, 0),
+        nullptr,
+    };
+    Idxs[2] = ConstantInt::get(I32, 0);
+    Builder.CreateStore(
+        ConstantInt::get(I32, 48),
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(VaListTy, VaList, Idxs, "gp_offset"));
+    Idxs[2] = ConstantInt::get(I32, 1);
+    Builder.CreateStore(
+        ConstantInt::get(I32, 6 * 8 + 8 * 16),
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(VaListTy, VaList, Idxs, "fp_offset"));
+    Idxs[2] = ConstantInt::get(I32, 2);
+    Builder.CreateStore(
+        VoidBuffer,
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(VaListTy, VaList, Idxs, "overfow_arg_area"));
+    Idxs[2] = ConstantInt::get(I32, 3);
+    Builder.CreateStore(
+        ConstantPointerNull::get(PointerType::getUnqual(Ctx)),
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(VaListTy, VaList, Idxs, "reg_save_area"));
+  }
+std::unique_ptr<Interface> create(Module &M) {
+  llvm::Triple Triple(M.getTargetTriple());
+  const bool IsLinuxABI = Triple.isOSLinux() || Triple.isOSCygMing();
+  switch (Triple.getArch()) {
+  case Triple::x86: {
+    // These seem to all fall out the same, despite getTypeStackAlign
+    // implying otherwise.
+    if (Triple.isOSDarwin()) {
+      struct X86Darwin final : public Interface {
+        // X86_32ABIInfo::getTypeStackAlignInBytes is misleading for this.
+        // The slotSize(4) implies a minimum alignment
+        // The AllowHigherAlign = true means there is no maximum alignment.
+        X86Darwin() : Interface(4, 0) {}
+      };
+      return std::make_unique<X86Darwin>();
+    }
+    if (Triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Win32) {
+      struct X86Windows final : public Interface {
+        X86Windows() : Interface(4, 0) {}
+      };
+      return std::make_unique<X86Windows>();
+    }
+    if (IsLinuxABI) {
+      struct X86Linux final : public Interface {
+        X86Linux() : Interface(4, 0) {}
+      };
+      return std::make_unique<X86Linux>();
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Triple::x86_64: {
+    if (Triple.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment() || Triple.isOSWindows()) {
+      struct X64Windows final : public Interface {
+        X64Windows() : Interface(8, 8) {}
+      };
+      // x64 msvc emit vaarg passes > 8 byte values by pointer
+      // however the variadic call instruction created does not, e.g.
+      // a <4 x f32> will be passed as itself, not as a pointer or byval.
+      // Postponing resolution of that for now.
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (Triple.isOSDarwin()) {
+      return std::make_unique<VariadicABIInfo::X64SystemV>();
+    }
+    if (IsLinuxABI) {
+      return std::make_unique<VariadicABIInfo::X64SystemV>();
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  default:
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+} // namespace VariadicABIInfo
+class ExpandVariadics : public ModulePass {
+  static char ID;
+  std::unique_ptr<VariadicABIInfo::Interface> ABI;
+  ExpandVariadics() : ModulePass(ID) {}
+  StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Expand variadic functions"; 
+  // A predicate in that return nullptr means false
+  // Returns the function target to use when inlining on success
+  Function *isFunctionInlinable(Module &M, Function *F);
+  // Rewrite a call site.
+  void expandCall(Module &M, CallInst *CB, Function *VarargF, Function *NF);
+  // this could be partially target specific
+  bool expansionApplicableToFunction(Module &M, Function *F) {
+    if (F->isIntrinsic() || !F->isVarArg() ||
+        F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Naked))
+      return false;
+    if (F->getCallingConv() != CallingConv::C)
+      return false;
+    if (GlobalValue::isInterposableLinkage(F->getLinkage()))
+      return false;
+    for (const Use &U : F->uses()) {
+      const auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(U.getUser());
+      if (!CB)
+        return false;
+      if (CB->isMustTailCall()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (!CB->isCallee(&U) || CB->getFunctionType() != F->getFunctionType()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // Branch funnels look like variadic functions but aren't:
+    //
+    // define hidden void @__typeid_typeid1_0_branch_funnel(ptr nest %0, ...) {
+    //  musttail call void (...) @llvm.icall.branch.funnel(ptr %0, ptr @vt1_1,
+    //  ptr @vf1_1, ...) ret void
+    // }
+    //
+    // %1 = call i32 @__typeid_typeid1_0_branch_funnel(ptr nest %vtable, ptr
+    // %obj, i32 1)
+    // TODO: there should be a reasonable way to check for an intrinsic
+    // without inserting a prototype that then needs to be removed
+    Function *Funnel =
+        Intrinsic::getDeclaration(&M, Intrinsic::icall_branch_funnel);
+    for (const User *U : Funnel->users()) {
+      if (auto *I = dyn_cast<CallBase>(U)) {
+        if (F == I->getFunction()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (Funnel->use_empty())
+      Funnel->eraseFromParent();
+    return true;
+  }
+  template <Intrinsic::ID ID>
+  static BasicBlock::iterator
+  skipIfInstructionIsSpecificIntrinsic(BasicBlock::iterator Iter) {
+    if (auto *Intrinsic = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&*Iter))
+      if (Intrinsic->getIntrinsicID() == ID)
+        Iter++;
+    return Iter;
+  }
+  bool callinstRewritable(CallBase *CB, Function *NF) {
+    if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(CB))
+      if (CI->isMustTailCall())
+        return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool runOnFunction(Module &M, Function *F) {
+    bool Changed = false;
+    if (!expansionApplicableToFunction(M, F))
+      return false;
+    Function *Equivalent = isFunctionInlinable(M, F);
+    if (!Equivalent)
+      return Changed;
+    for (User *U : llvm::make_early_inc_range(F->users()))
+      if (CallInst *CB = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U)) {
+        Value *calledOperand = CB->getCalledOperand();
+        if (F == calledOperand) {
+          expandCall(M, CB, F, Equivalent);
+          Changed = true;
+        }
+      }
+    return Changed;
+  }
+  bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
+    ABI = VariadicABIInfo::create(M);
+    if (!ABI)
+      return false;
+    bool Changed = false;
+    for (Function &F : llvm::make_early_inc_range(M)) {
+      Changed |= runOnFunction(M, &F);
+    }
+    return Changed;
+  }
+Function *ExpandVariadics::isFunctionInlinable(Module &M, Function *F) {
+  assert(F->isVarArg());
+  assert(expansionApplicableToFunction(M, F));
+  if (F->isDeclaration())
+    return nullptr;
+  // A variadic function is inlinable if it is sufficiently simple.
+  // Specifically, if it is a single basic block which is functionally
+  // equivalent to packing the variadic arguments into a va_list which is
+  // passed to another function. The inlining strategy is to build a va_list
+  // in the caller and then call said inner function.
+  // Single basic block.
+  BasicBlock &BB = F->getEntryBlock();
+  if (!isa<ReturnInst>(BB.getTerminator()))
+    return nullptr;
+  // Walk the block in order checking for specific instructions, some of them
+  // optional.
+  BasicBlock::iterator Iter = BB.begin();
+  AllocaInst *Alloca = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&*Iter++);
+  if (!Alloca)
+    return nullptr;
+  Value *ValistArgument = Alloca;
+  Iter = skipIfInstructionIsSpecificIntrinsic<Intrinsic::lifetime_start>(Iter);
+  VAStartInst *Start = dyn_cast<VAStartInst>(&*Iter++);
+  if (!Start || Start->getArgList() != ValistArgument) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // The va_list instance is stack allocated
+  // The ... replacement is a va_list passed "by value"
+  // That involves a load for some ABIs and passing the pointer for others
+  Value *ValistTrailingArgument = nullptr;
+  switch (ABI->valistCc()) {
+  case VariadicABIInfo::ValistCc::value: {
+    // If it's being passed by value, need a load
+    // TODO: Check it's loading the right thing
+    auto *load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(&*Iter);
+    if (!load)
+      return nullptr;
+    ValistTrailingArgument = load;
+    Iter++;
+    break;
+  }
+  case VariadicABIInfo::ValistCc::pointer: {
+    // If it's being passed by pointer, going to use the alloca directly
+    ValistTrailingArgument = ValistArgument;
+    break;
+  }
+  }
+  CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*Iter++);
+  if (!Call)
+    return nullptr;
+  if (auto *end = dyn_cast<VAEndInst>(&*Iter)) {
+    if (end->getArgList() != ValistArgument)
+      return nullptr;
+    Iter++;
+  } else {
+    // Only fail on a missing va_end if it wasn't a no-op
+    if (!ABI->vaEndIsNop())
+      return nullptr;
+  }
+  Iter = skipIfInstructionIsSpecificIntrinsic<Intrinsic::lifetime_end>(Iter);
+  ReturnInst *Ret = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(&*Iter++);
+  if (!Ret || Iter != BB.end())
+    return nullptr;
+  // The function call is expected to take the fixed arguments then the alloca
+  // TODO: Drop the vectors here, iterate over them both together instead.
+  SmallVector<Value *> FuncArgs;
+  for (Argument &A : F->args())
+    FuncArgs.push_back(&A);
+  SmallVector<Value *> CallArgs;
+  for (Use &A : Call->args())
+    CallArgs.push_back(A);
+  size_t Fixed = FuncArgs.size();
+  if (Fixed + 1 != CallArgs.size())
+    return nullptr;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < Fixed; i++)
+    if (FuncArgs[i] != CallArgs[i])
+      return nullptr;
+  if (CallArgs[Fixed] != ValistTrailingArgument)
+    return nullptr;
+  // Check the varadic function returns the result of the inner call
+  Value *MaybeReturnValue = Ret->getReturnValue();
+  if (Call->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
+    if (MaybeReturnValue != nullptr)
+      return nullptr;
+  } else {
+    if (MaybeReturnValue != Call)
+      return nullptr;
+  }
+  // All checks passed. Found a va_list taking function we can use.
+  return Call->getCalledFunction();
+void ExpandVariadics::expandCall(Module &M, CallInst *CB, Function *VarargF,
+                                 Function *NF) {
+  const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
+  if (!callinstRewritable(CB, NF)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // This is something of a problem because the call instructions' idea of the
+  // function type doesn't necessarily match reality, before or after this
+  // pass
+  // Since the plan here is to build a new instruction there is no
+  // particular benefit to trying to preserve an incorrect initial type
+  // If the types don't match and we aren't changing ABI, leave it alone
+  // in case someone is deliberately doing dubious type punning through a
+  // varargs
+  FunctionType *FuncType = CB->getFunctionType();
+  if (FuncType != VarargF->getFunctionType()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  auto &Ctx = CB->getContext();
+  // Align the struct on ABI->MinAlign to start with
+  Align MaxFieldAlign(ABI->MinAlign ? ABI->MinAlign : 1);
+  // The strategy here is to allocate a call frame containing the variadic
+  // arguments laid out such that a target specific va_list can be initialised
+  // with it, such that target specific va_arg instructions will correctly
+  // iterate over it. Primarily this means getting the alignment right.
+  class {
+    // The awkward memory layout is to allow access to a contiguous array of
+    // types
+    enum { N = 4 };
+    SmallVector<Type *, N> FieldTypes;
+    SmallVector<std::pair<Value *, bool>, N> maybeValueIsByval;
+  public:
+    void append(Type *T, Value *V, bool IsByVal) {
+      FieldTypes.push_back(T);
+      maybeValueIsByval.push_back({V, IsByVal});
+    }
+    void padding(LLVMContext &Ctx, uint64_t By) {
+      append(ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx), By), nullptr, false);
+    }
+    size_t size() { return FieldTypes.size(); }
+    bool empty() { return FieldTypes.empty(); }
+    StructType *asStruct(LLVMContext &Ctx, StringRef Name) {
+      const bool IsPacked = true;
+      return StructType::create(Ctx, FieldTypes,
+                                (Twine(Name) + ".vararg").str(), IsPacked);
+    }
+    void initialiseStructAlloca(const DataLayout &DL, IRBuilder<> &Builder,
+                                AllocaInst *Alloced) {
+      StructType *VarargsTy = cast<StructType>(Alloced->getAllocatedType());
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
+        auto [v, IsByVal] = maybeValueIsByval[i];
+        if (!v)
+          continue;
+        auto r = Builder.CreateStructGEP(VarargsTy, Alloced, i);
+        if (IsByVal) {
+          Type *ByValType = FieldTypes[i];
+          Builder.CreateMemCpy(r, {}, v, {},
+                               DL.getTypeAllocSize(ByValType).getFixedValue());
+        } else {
+          Builder.CreateStore(v, r);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } Frame;
+  uint64_t CurrentOffset = 0;
+  for (unsigned I = FuncType->getNumParams(), E = CB->arg_size(); I < E; ++I) {
+    Value *ArgVal = CB->getArgOperand(I);
+    bool IsByVal = CB->paramHasAttr(I, Attribute::ByVal);
+    Type *ArgType = IsByVal ? CB->getParamByValType(I) : ArgVal->getType();
+    Align DataAlign = DL.getABITypeAlign(ArgType);
+    uint64_t DataAlignV = DataAlign.value();
+    // Currently using 0 as a sentinel to mean ignored
+    if (ABI->MinAlign && DataAlignV < ABI->MinAlign)
+      DataAlignV = ABI->MinAlign;
+    if (ABI->MaxAlign && DataAlignV > ABI->MaxAlign)
+      DataAlignV = ABI->MaxAlign;
+    DataAlign = Align(DataAlignV);
+    MaxFieldAlign = std::max(MaxFieldAlign, DataAlign);
+    if (uint64_t Rem = CurrentOffset % DataAlignV) {
+      // Inject explicit padding to deal with alignment requirements
+      uint64_t Padding = DataAlignV - Rem;
+      Frame.padding(Ctx, Padding);
+      CurrentOffset += Padding;
+    }
+    Frame.append(ArgType, ArgVal, IsByVal);
+    CurrentOffset += DL.getTypeAllocSize(ArgType).getFixedValue();
+  }
+  if (Frame.empty()) {
+    // Not passing anything, hopefully va_arg won't try to dereference it
+    // Might be a target specific thing whether one can pass nullptr instead
+    // of undef i32
+    Frame.append(Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), nullptr, false);
+  }
+  Function *CBF = CB->getParent()->getParent();
+  StructType *VarargsTy = Frame.asStruct(Ctx, CBF->getName());
+  BasicBlock &BB = CBF->getEntryBlock();
+  IRBuilder<> Builder(&*BB.getFirstInsertionPt());
+  // Clumsy call here is to set a specific alignment on the struct instance
+  AllocaInst *Alloced =
+      Builder.Insert(new AllocaInst(VarargsTy, DL.getAllocaAddrSpace(), 
+                                    MaxFieldAlign),
+                     "vararg_buffer");
+  assert(Alloced->getAllocatedType() == VarargsTy);
+  // Initialise the fields in the struct
+  // TODO: Lifetime annotate it and alloca in entry
+  // Needs to start life shortly before these copies and end immediately after
+  // the new call instruction
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(CB);
+  Frame.initialiseStructAlloca(DL, Builder, Alloced);
+  unsigned NumArgs = FuncType->getNumParams();
+  SmallVector<Value *> Args;
+  Args.assign(CB->arg_begin(), CB->arg_begin() + NumArgs);
+  // Initialise a va_list pointing to that struct and pass it as the last
+  // argument
+  {
jhuber6 wrote:

Why does this need to be in its own block? I'd assume if the names `VoidPtr` 
conflict then it would be the same thing. If you don't want the VoidBuffer 
escaping the scope I'd just pass it directly to the uses in both cases since 
it's short enough.

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