llvmbot wrote:



Author: Yaxun (Sam) Liu (yxsamliu)


CUDA defines min/max functions for host in global namespace. HIP header needs 
to define them too to be compatible. Currently only min/max(int, int) is 
defined. This causes wrong result for arguments that are out of range for int. 
This patch defines host min/max functions to be compatible with CUDA.

Fixes: SWDEV-446564

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/82956.diff

1 Files Affected:

- (modified) clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h (+42-6) 

diff --git a/clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h 
index 11e1e7d032586f..e87070e41b0ffc 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h
+++ b/clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h
@@ -1306,14 +1306,50 @@ float min(float __x, float __y) { return 
__builtin_fminf(__x, __y); }
 double min(double __x, double __y) { return __builtin_fmin(__x, __y); }
+// Define host min/max functions.
 #if !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
-__host__ inline static int min(int __arg1, int __arg2) {
-  return __arg1 < __arg2 ? __arg1 : __arg2;
-__host__ inline static int max(int __arg1, int __arg2) {
-  return __arg1 > __arg2 ? __arg1 : __arg2;
+#pragma push_macro("DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS")
+#define DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(type1, type2) \
+static inline auto min(const type1 __a, const type2 __b) \
+  -> typename std::remove_reference<decltype(__a < __b ? __a : __b)>::type { \
+  return (__a < __b) ? __a : __b; \
+} \
+static inline auto max(const type1 __a, const type2 __b) \
+  -> typename std::remove_reference<decltype(__a > __b ? __a : __b)>::type { \
+  return (__a > __b) ? __a : __b; \
+// Define min and max functions for same type comparisons
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned int, unsigned int)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned long, unsigned long)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(long long, long long)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)
+// Define min and max functions for mixed type comparisons
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(int, unsigned int)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned int, int)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(long, unsigned long)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned long, long)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(long long, unsigned long long)
+DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS(unsigned long long, long long)
+// Floating-point comparisons using built-in functions
+static inline float min(float const __a, float const __b) { return 
__builtin_fminf(__a, __b); }
+static inline double min(double const __a, double const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmin(__a, __b); }
+static inline double min(float const __a, double const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmin(__a, __b); }
+static inline double min(double const __a, float const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmin(__a, __b); }
+static inline float max(float const __a, float const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmaxf(__a, __b); }
+static inline double max(double const __a, double const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmax(__a, __b); }
+static inline double max(float const __a, double const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmax(__a, __b); }
+static inline double max(double const __a, float const __b) { return 
__builtin_fmax(__a, __b); }
+#pragma pop_macro("DEFINE_MIN_MAX_FUNCTIONS")
 #endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)



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