@@ -167,6 +167,53 @@ class CoroCloner {
 } // end anonymous namespace
+// FIXME:
+// Lower the intrinisc in CoroEarly phase if coroutine frame doesn't escape
+// and it is known that other transformations, for example, sanitizers
+// won't lead to incorrect code.
+static void lowerAwaitSuspend(IRBuilder<> &Builder, CoroAwaitSuspendInst *CB) {
+  auto Wrapper = CB->getWrapperFunction();
+  auto Awaiter = CB->getAwaiter();
+  auto FramePtr = CB->getFrame();
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(CB);
+  CallBase *NewCall = nullptr;
+  if (auto Invoke = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(CB)) {
+    auto WrapperInvoke =
+        Builder.CreateInvoke(Wrapper, Invoke->getNormalDest(),
+                             Invoke->getUnwindDest(), {Awaiter, FramePtr});
+    WrapperInvoke->setCallingConv(Invoke->getCallingConv());
+    std::copy(Invoke->bundle_op_info_begin(), Invoke->bundle_op_info_end(),
+              WrapperInvoke->bundle_op_info_begin());
+    AttributeList NewAttributes =
+        Invoke->getAttributes().removeParamAttributes(Invoke->getContext(), 2);
ChuanqiXu9 wrote:

What is the attribute to be removed? Let's add a comment here to make it clear.

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