@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ Supported
 .. _riscv-profiles-extensions-note:
-``Za128rs``, ``Za64rs``, ``Zic64b``, ``Ziccamoa``, ``Ziccif``, ``Zicclsm``, 
``Ziccrse``, ``Shcounterenvw``, ``Shgatpa``, ``Shtvala``, ``Shvsatpa``, 
``Shvstvala``, ``Shvstvecd``, ``Ssccptr``, ``Sscounterenw``, ``Ssstateen``, 
``Ssstrict``, ``Sstvala``, ``Sstvecd``, ``Ssu64xl``, ``Svade``, ``Svbare``
+``Za128rs``, ``Za64rs``, ``Zic64b``, ``Ziccamoa``, ``Ziccif``, ``Zicclsm``, 
``Ziccrse``, ``Shcounterenvw``, ``Shgatpa``, ``Shtvala``, ``Shvsatpa``, 
``Shvstvala``, ``Shvstvecd``, ``Ssccptr``, ``Sscofpmf``, ``Sscounterenw``, 
``Ssstateen``, ``Ssstrict``, ``Sstvala``, ``Sstvecd``, ``Ssu64xl``, ``Svade``, 
   These extensions are defined as part of the `RISC-V Profiles specification 
<https://github.com/riscv/riscv-profiles/releases/tag/v1.0>`__.  They do not 
introduce any new features themselves, but instead describe existing hardware 
jrtc27 wrote:

Ssstateen is also somewhat debatable; it's not a real extension, only defined 
by the profiles spec, yet it's also defined in terms of being the S-mode subset 
of Smstateen. Feels like it really should have been defined like e.g 
Smaia+Ssaia are defined. But it's not entirely like these other extensions, 
because it also adds its own features, just a subset of Smstateen.

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