Xazax-hun wrote:

> Yes, significantly faster, and fewer SAT solver timeouts.

The Clang Static Analyzer is going one step further. It is pruning the analysis 
state really aggressively, it is relying on liveness analysis, and whenever the 
value of a variable is dead (would not be read in future program points), the 
corresponding symbols will be pruned from the state. For the really deep path 
sensitive analysis the CSA is doing, it was really beneficial performance-wise. 
On the other hand, this approach definitely introduced complexity. The CSA is 
basically doing garbage collection to figure out what part of the program state 
is unreachable (e.g., can we read a value through some pointers?). Moreover, 
actually pruning the analysis state is tricky. If we had `x < y` and `y < z` in 
our constraints, to correctly prune `y`, we would need to have a new set of 
constraints like `x+1 < z`.  Simply dropping everything with `y` would lose 

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