@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+HLSL Root Signatures
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+In HLSL, the `root signature
+defines what types of resources are bound to the graphics pipeline. 
+A root signature can be specified in HLSL as a `string
+The string contains a collection of comma-separated clauses that describe root 
+signature constituent components. 
+There are two mechanisms to compile an HLSL root signature. First, it is 
+possible to attach a root signature string to a particular shader via the 
+RootSignature attribute (in the following example, using the MyRS1 entry 
+.. code-block:: hlsl
+    #define RS "RootFlags( ALLOW_INPUT_ASSEMBLER_INPUT_LAYOUT | " \ 
+              "DENY_VERTEX_SHADER_ROOT_ACCESS), " \ 
+              "CBV(b0, space = 1, flags = DATA_STATIC), " \ 
+              "SRV(t0), " \ 
+              "UAV(u0), " \ 
+              "DescriptorTable( CBV(b1), " \ 
+              "                 SRV(t1, numDescriptors = 8, " \ 
+              "                     flags = DESCRIPTORS_VOLATILE), " \ 
+              "                 UAV(u1, numDescriptors = unbounded, " \ 
+              "                     flags = DESCRIPTORS_VOLATILE)), " \ 
+              "DescriptorTable(Sampler(s0, space=1, numDescriptors = 4)), " \ 
+              "RootConstants(num32BitConstants=3, b10), " \ 
+              "StaticSampler(s1)," \ 
+              "StaticSampler(s2, " \ 
+              "              addressU = TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, " \ 
+              "              filter = FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR )"
+    [RootSignature(RS)]
+    float4 main(float4 coord : COORD) : SV_Target
+    {
+    "…"
+    }
+The compiler will create and verify the root signature blob for the shader and 
+embed it alongside the shader byte code into the shader blob. 
+The other mechanism is to create a standalone root signature blob, perhaps to 
+reuse it with a large set of shaders, saving space. The name of the define 
+string is specified via the usual -E argument. For example:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  dxc.exe -T rootsig_1_1 MyRS1.hlsl -E MyRS1 -Fo MyRS1.fxo
+Note that the root signature string define can also be passed on the command 
+line, e.g, -D MyRS1=”…”.
+Root Signature Grammar
+.. code-block:: peg
+    RootSignature : (RootElement(,RootElement)?)?
+    RootElement : RootFlags | RootConstants | RootCBV | RootSRV | RootUAV |
+                  DescriptorTable | StaticSampler
+    RootFlags : 'RootFlags' '(' (RootFlag(|RootFlag)?)? ')'
+    RootConstants : 'RootConstants' '(' 'num32BitConstants' '=' NUMBER ',' 
+           bReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+           (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+    RootCBV : 'CBV' '(' bReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    RootSRV : 'SRV' '(' tReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    RootUAV : 'UAV' '(' uReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    DescriptorTable : 'DescriptorTable' '(' (DTClause(|DTClause)?)? 
+          (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+    DTClause : CBV | SRV | UAV | Sampler
+    CBV : 'CBV' '(' bReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    SRV : 'SRV' '(' tReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)? 
+    (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    UAV : 'UAV' '(' uReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)? 
+          (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+    Sampler : 'Sampler' '(' sReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+          (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)? (',' 'flags' '=' 
NUMBER)? ')'
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_HULL' | 
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_DOMAIN' | 
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_GEOMETRY' | 
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL' | 
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_AMPLIFICATION' | 
+                        'SHADER_VISIBILITY_MESH'
+    StaticSampler : 'StaticSampler' '(' sReg (',' 'filter' '=' FILTER)? 
+             (',' 'addressU' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)? 
+             (',' 'addressV' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)? 
+             (',' 'addressW' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)? 
+             (',' 'mipLODBias' '=' NUMBER)? 
+             (',' 'maxAnisotropy' '=' NUMBER)? 
+             (',' 'comparisonFunc' '=' COMPARISON_FUNC)? 
+             (',' 'borderColor' '=' STATIC_BORDER_COLOR)? 
+             (',' 'minLOD' '=' NUMBER)? 
+             (',' 'maxLOD' '=' NUMBER)? (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)? 
+             (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+    bReg : 'b' NUMBER 
+    tReg : 't' NUMBER 
+    uReg : 'u' NUMBER 
+    sReg : 's' NUMBER 
+             'FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR' | 
+             'FILTER_ANISOTROPIC' | 
+                      'COMPARISON_EQUAL' | 'COMPARISON_LESS_EQUAL' | 
+                      'COMPARISON_GREATER' | 'COMPARISON_NOT_EQUAL' | 
+                          'STATIC_BORDER_COLOR_OPAQUE_BLACK' | 
+                          'STATIC_BORDER_COLOR_OPAQUE_WHITE'
+Serialized format
+The root signature string is parsed and serialized into a binary format. The
+binary format is a sequence of bytes that can be used to create a root 
+object in the Direct3D 12 API. The binary format is defined by the
+`D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC (for rootsig_1_0)
+or `D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC1 (for rootsig_1_1)
+structure in the Direct3D 12 API. (With the pointers translated to offsets.) 
+It will be look like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  struct DxilContainerRootDescriptor1 {
+    uint32_t ShaderRegister;
+    uint32_t RegisterSpace;
+    uint32_t Flags;
+  };
+  struct DxilContainerDescriptorRange {
+    uint32_t RangeType;
+    uint32_t NumDescriptors;
+    uint32_t BaseShaderRegister;
+    uint32_t RegisterSpace;
+    uint32_t OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart;
+  };
+  struct DxilContainerDescriptorRange1 {
+    uint32_t RangeType;
+    uint32_t NumDescriptors;
+    uint32_t BaseShaderRegister;
+    uint32_t RegisterSpace;
+    uint32_t Flags;
+    uint32_t OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart;
+  };
+  struct DxilContainerRootDescriptorTable {
+    uint32_t NumDescriptorRanges;
+    uint32_t DescriptorRangesOffset;
+  };
+  struct DxilContainerRootParameter {
+    uint32_t ParameterType;
+    uint32_t ShaderVisibility;
+    uint32_t PayloadOffset;
+  };
+  struct DxilContainerRootSignatureDesc {
+    uint32_t Version;
+    uint32_t NumParameters;
+    uint32_t RootParametersOffset;
+    uint32_t NumStaticSamplers;
+    uint32_t StaticSamplersOffset;
+    uint32_t Flags;
+  };
+The binary representation begins with a **DxilContainerRootSignatureDesc** 
+The object will be followed by an array of 
+**DxilContainerRootParameter/Parameter1** objects located at 
+**DxilContainerRootSignatureDesc::RootParametersOffset**, which corresponds to 
+the size of **DxilContainerRootSignatureDesc**.
+Subsequently, there will be detailed object (**DxilRootConstants**, 
+**DxilContainerRootDescriptorTable**, or 
+**DxilRootDescriptor/DxilContainerRootDescriptor1**, depending on the 
+type) for each **DxilContainerRootParameter** in the array. With 
+**DxilContainerRootParameter.PayloadOffset** pointing to the detailed object.
+In cases where the detailed object is a **DxilContainerRootDescriptorTable**, 
+it is succeeded by an array of 
+**DxilContainerDescriptorRange/DxilContainerDescriptorRange1** at 
+The binary representation is finalized with an array of 
+**DxilStaticSamplerDesc** at 
+Implementation Details
+The root signature string will be parsed in Clang. 
+The parsing 
+will happened when build HLSLRootSignatureAttr or when build standalone root 
+signature blob. 
+The root signature parsing will generate a HLSLRootSignatureAttr with member 
+represents the root signature string and the parsed information for each 
+resource in the root signature. It will bind to the entry function in the AST. 
+HLSLRootSignatureAttr will be something like this:
+Note, VersionedRootSignatureDesc is not D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC, it is just 
+a simple struct to collect all the information in the root signature string.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    struct DescriptorRange {
+      DescriptorRangeType RangeType;
+      uint32_t NumDescriptors = 1;
+      uint32_t BaseShaderRegister;
+      uint32_t RegisterSpace = 0;
+      DescriptorRangeFlags Flags = DescriptorRangeFlags::None;
+      uint32_t OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart = DescriptorRangeOffsetAppend;
+    };
+    struct RootDescriptorTable {
+      std::vector<DescriptorRange> DescriptorRanges;
+    };
+    struct RootConstants {
+      uint32_t ShaderRegister;
+      uint32_t RegisterSpace = 0;
+      uint32_t Num32BitValues;
+    };
+    struct RootDescriptor {
+      uint32_t ShaderRegister;
+      uint32_t RegisterSpace = 0;
+      RootDescriptorFlags Flags = RootDescriptorFlags::None;
+    };
+    struct RootParameter {
+      RootParameterType ParameterType;
+      std::variant<RootDescriptorTable, RootConstants, RootDescriptor>
+            Parameter;
+      ShaderVisibility ShaderVisibility = ShaderVisibility::All;
+    };
+    struct StaticSamplerDesc {
+      Filter Filter = Filter::ANISOTROPIC;
+      TextureAddressMode AddressU = TextureAddressMode::Wrap;
+      TextureAddressMode AddressV = TextureAddressMode::Wrap;
+      TextureAddressMode AddressW = TextureAddressMode::Wrap;
+      float MipLODBias = 0.f;
+      uint32_t MaxAnisotropy = 16;
+      ComparisonFunc ComparisonFunc = ComparisonFunc::LessEqual;
+      StaticBorderColor BorderColor = StaticBorderColor::OpaqueWhite;
+      float MinLOD = 0.f;
+      float MaxLOD = MaxLOD;
+      uint32_t ShaderRegister;
+      uint32_t RegisterSpace = 0;
+      ShaderVisibility ShaderVisibility = ShaderVisibility::All;
+    };
+    struct RootSignatureDesc {
+      std::vector<RootParameter> Parameters;
+      std::vector<StaticSamplerDesc> StaticSamplers;
+      RootSignatureFlags Flags;
+    };
+    struct VersionedRootSignatureDesc {
+      RootSignatureVersion Version;
+      RootSignatureDesc Desc;
+    };
+    class HLSLRootSignatureAttr : public InheritableAttr {
+    protected:
+      std::string RootSignatureStr;
+      VersionedRootSignatureDesc RootSignature;
+    };
bogner wrote:

I don't think we can simply attach this extra information to an InheritableAttr 
like this. At least, no other attributes do this and it feels like a break in 
abstraction. There isn't really any prior art for embedding an entire 
mini-language to define a structure in an attribute as far as I know, so we 
need to be careful to do this right.

Looking at the [clang internals 
manual](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/InternalsManual.html#other-properties) and 
 handles custom parsing, I think that it's possible to do something along these 
lines but it would be very invasive. We should get input from some of the clang 
folks that are familiar with attribute handling (like @erichkeane perhaps) on 
whether there's a simpler or better way to go about this. It's possible that 
attributes are a bad fit here and that we need to find a different way to make 
this information available to Sema and clang's codegen.

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