AaronBallman wrote:

> > I looked at the OpenCL spec for C standard library support and was 
> > surprised that 1) it's only talking about C99 so it's unclear what happens 
> > for C11 (clause 6 says "This document describes the modifications and 
> > restrictions to C99 and C11 in OpenCL C" but 6.11 only talks about C99 
> > headers and leaves `iso646.h`, `math.h`, `stdbool.h`, `stddef.h`, (all in 
> > C99) as well as `stdalign.h`, `stdatomic.h`, `stdnoreturn.h`, `threads.h`, 
> > and `uchar.h` available?), and 2) OpenCL's `printf` is not really the same 
> > function as C's `printf` 
> > (https://registry.khronos.org/OpenCL/specs/3.0-unified/html/OpenCL_C.html#differences-between-opencl-c-and-c99-printf).
> > #1 is probably more of an oversight than anything, at least with the C11 
> > headers. So maybe this isn't a super slippery slope, but maybe C23 will 
> > change that (I can imagine `stdbit.h` being of use in OpenCL for 
> > bit-bashing operations). However, the fact that the builtin isn't really 
> > `printf` but is `printf`-like makes me think we should make it a separate 
> > builtin to avoid surprises (we do diagnostics based on builtin IDs and we 
> > have special checking logic that we perhaps should be exempting in some 
> > cases).
> Understood. Then I propose the following.
>     1. Currently Builtin TableGen does not seem to support specifying lang 
> address spaces in function prototypes. this needs to be implemented first if 
> not already in development.
>     2. We could have two new macro variants probably named "OCL_BUILTIN" and 
> "OCL_LIB_BUILTIN" which will take the ID's of the form 
> "BI_OCL##<builtin_name>". we would also need corresponding TableGen classes 
> (probably named similar to the macros) which can expose such overloaded 
> prototypes when required.
> How does this sound ?

I think that sounds like a reasonable way forward, thank you!

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