@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ struct BuiltinTypeDeclBuilder {
     DeclarationNameInfo NameInfo =
         DeclarationNameInfo(DeclarationName(&II), SourceLocation());
     LookupResult R(S, NameInfo, Sema::LookupOrdinaryName);
-    S.LookupParsedName(R, S.getCurScope(), &SS, false);
+    S.LookupParsedName(R, S.getCurScope(), &SS,
+                       /*ObjectType=*/QualType(),
+                       /*AllowBuiltinCreation*/ false);
erichkeane wrote:

Also, why is this specifying 'false' here, which is the default? I realize it 
was already there, but we should probably not be.

Also-also-- I think this many default arguments has hit the point for ME where 
we just need an overload for the version where it would be 'all the default 
things' and specify for everything else.  This is out of hand.

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