@@ -345,7 +345,13 @@ void Flang::AddAMDGPUTargetArgs(const ArgList &Args,
   // Check ROCm path if specified
   const ToolChain &TC = getToolChain();
-  TC.getDeviceLibs(Args);
+  std::string HIPVersion;
+  llvm::raw_string_ostream HIPInfo(HIPVersion);
+  TC.printVerboseInfo(HIPInfo);
+  llvm::StringRef HIPInfoStrRef(HIPInfo.str());
+  if (!HIPInfoStrRef.contains("Found HIP installation") &&
DominikAdamski wrote:

Clang reports an error if `--rocm-path` points to an invalid directory. I need 
to do a similar check for Flang.

The ROCm toolchain checks rocm-path within function 
`RocmInstallationDetector::checkCommonBitcodeLibs`. This function is called 
inside `ROCMToolChain::addClangTargetOptions` or 
`ROCMToolChain::getCommonDeviceLibNames` is called by 
`AMDGPUOpenMPToolChain::getDeviceLibs`. I decided not to call  
`ROCMToolChain::addClangTargetOptions` because Flang does not support all Clang 
options. That's why I initially decided to call 
`AMDGPUOpenMPToolChain::getDeviceLibs` to check the ROCm path. The second 
(current) approach is a workaround to emit an error if rocm-path is specified 

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