erichkeane wrote:

> A note from left field: I think this PR broke the IWYU test suite. We use 
> `TemplateDecl::print` + some postprocessing to generate template 
> forward-declarations. We're seeing this diff now:
> ```diff
> -template <typename T> class FinalTemplate;
> +template <typename T> class  FinalTemplate;
> ```
> So a spurious extra space.
> We would be grateful if this _didn't_ make the 18.x branches, because we've 
> already released an 18.x-compatible version of IWYU, and it would be a shame 
> if that release had a failing test suite when built against later 18.x Clang.
> I'll work around this on our latest mainline.

Ooof, I think that DOES decide it for me.  @vgvassilev : can you look into that 
extra space to see if you can track it down?
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