dyung wrote:

> Hi @dyung.
> The observed difference is due to the FP contraction turned off if optnone is 
> specified. In O0 this optimization is still applied. As a result, the 
> function with optnone contains separate fadd and fmul, while without this 
> attribute the function contains combined operatin fmuladd.
> This optimization is turned off in `FPOption.setDisallowOptimizations` 
> (introduced by this patch) by the call `setDisallowFPContract()`. If it is 
> removed, I think, the output would be identical.

Thanks @spavloff. I can confirm that if I remove the call you mentioned the 
assembly generated is identical.

I am slightly confused why we are running FP contraction at O0. I would have 
thought no optimization at all be done at O0?

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