Hi Manuel,

Okay, I'll submit both patches via phabricator as you recommend. I'll add
you, and I'll add Hans Wennborg and Zachary Turner, who were both involved
with the first clang-format-vsix patch I worked on:

Does that make sense? I'm still learning the common workflow for submitting
patches :)

- Antonio

On Mon, 5 Dec 2016 at 06:24 Manuel Klimek <kli...@google.com> wrote:

Awesome, thanks for working on this. If you submit the patches via
phabricator (http://llvm.org/docs/Phabricator.html) I'll get to it faster
:) Feel free to directly add me as reviewer, btw (add 'klimek').

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 6:53 AM Antonio Maiorano via cfe-commits <
cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org> wrote:


I have two patches for clang-format-vsix to offer up for review:

clang-format-vsix: add a date stamp to the VSIX version number to ensure

Presently, the version number of the VSIX matches the LLVM version number.
However, as this number doesn't change often, it means that as we release
new versions of this VSIX, it will have the same version number, which
means users must first uninstall the old version before installing the new
one. With this change, we generate a 4th part to the version number that is
a date stamp (year, month, day); for example:

clang-format-vsix: fail when clang-format outputs to stderr

When clang-format outputs to stderr but returns 0, the extension will
format the code anyway. This happens, for instance, when there's a syntax
error or unknown value in a .clang-format file; the result is that the
extension silently formats using the fallback style without informing the
user of the problem. This change treats stderr output as an error, making
sure it gets displayed to the user, and not formatting the code. (I've also
attached a screenshot of the message box I now get when my .clang-format
has an invalid field named SomeInvalidField).

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