EricWF updated this revision to Diff 80870.
EricWF added a comment.

Fix comments.


Index: test/support/propagate_value_category.hpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/support/propagate_value_category.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#include "test_macros.h"
+#include <type_traits>
+#if TEST_STD_VER < 11
+#error this header may only be used in C++11
+using UnderlyingVCType = unsigned;
+enum ValueCategory : UnderlyingVCType {
+  VC_None = 0,
+  VC_LVal = 1 << 0,
+  VC_RVal = 1 << 1,
+  VC_Const = 1 << 2,
+  VC_Volatile = 1 << 3,
+  VC_ConstVolatile = VC_Const | VC_Volatile
+inline constexpr ValueCategory operator&(ValueCategory LHS, ValueCategory RHS) {
+  return ValueCategory(LHS & (UnderlyingVCType)RHS);
+inline constexpr ValueCategory operator|(ValueCategory LHS, ValueCategory RHS) {
+  return ValueCategory(LHS | (UnderlyingVCType)RHS);
+inline constexpr ValueCategory operator^(ValueCategory LHS, ValueCategory RHS) {
+  return ValueCategory(LHS ^ (UnderlyingVCType)RHS);
+inline constexpr bool isValidValueCategory(ValueCategory VC) {
+  return (VC & (VC_LVal | VC_RVal)) != (VC_LVal | VC_RVal);
+inline constexpr bool hasValueCategory(ValueCategory Arg, ValueCategory Key) {
+  return Arg == Key || ((Arg & Key) == Key);
+template <class Tp>
+using UnCVRef =
+    typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::type;
+template <class Tp>
+constexpr ValueCategory getReferenceQuals() {
+  return std::is_lvalue_reference<Tp>::value
+             ? VC_LVal
+             : (std::is_rvalue_reference<Tp>::value ? VC_RVal : VC_None);
+static_assert(getReferenceQuals<int>() == VC_None, "");
+static_assert(getReferenceQuals<int &>() == VC_LVal, "");
+static_assert(getReferenceQuals<int &&>() == VC_RVal, "");
+template <class Tp>
+constexpr ValueCategory getCVQuals() {
+  using Vp = typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type;
+  return std::is_const<Vp>::value && std::is_volatile<Vp>::value
+             ? VC_ConstVolatile
+             : (std::is_const<Vp>::value
+                    ? VC_Const
+                    : (std::is_volatile<Vp>::value ? VC_Volatile : VC_None));
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int>() == VC_None, "");
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int const>() == VC_Const, "");
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int volatile>() == VC_Volatile, "");
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int const volatile>() == VC_ConstVolatile, "");
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int &>() == VC_None, "");
+static_assert(getCVQuals<int const &>() == VC_Const, "");
+template <class Tp>
+inline constexpr ValueCategory getValueCategory() {
+  return getReferenceQuals<Tp>() | getCVQuals<Tp>();
+static_assert(getValueCategory<int>() == VC_None, "");
+static_assert(getValueCategory<int const &>() == (VC_LVal | VC_Const), "");
+static_assert(getValueCategory<int const volatile &&>() ==
+                  (VC_RVal | VC_ConstVolatile),
+              "");
+template <ValueCategory VC>
+struct ApplyValueCategory {
+  static_assert(isValidValueCategory(VC), "");
+  template <bool Pred, class Then, class Else>
+  using CondT = typename std::conditional<Pred, Then, Else>::type;
+  template <class Tp, class Vp = UnCVRef<Tp>>
+  using ApplyCVQuals = CondT<
+      hasValueCategory(VC, VC_ConstVolatile), typename std::add_cv<Vp>::type,
+      CondT<hasValueCategory(VC, VC_Const), typename std::add_const<Vp>::type,
+            CondT<hasValueCategory(VC, VC_Volatile),
+                  typename std::add_volatile<Vp>::type, Tp>>>;
+  template <class Tp, class Vp = typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>
+  using ApplyReferenceQuals =
+      CondT<hasValueCategory(VC, VC_LVal),
+            typename std::add_lvalue_reference<Vp>::type,
+            CondT<hasValueCategory(VC, VC_RVal),
+                  typename std::add_rvalue_reference<Vp>::type, Vp>>;
+  template <class Tp>
+  using Apply = ApplyReferenceQuals<ApplyCVQuals<UnCVRef<Tp>>>;
+  template <class Tp, bool Dummy = true,
+            typename std::enable_if<Dummy && (VC & VC_LVal), bool>::type = true>
+  static Apply<UnCVRef<Tp>> cast(Tp &&t) {
+    using ToType = Apply<UnCVRef<Tp>>;
+    return static_cast<ToType>(t);
+  }
+  template <class Tp, bool Dummy = true,
+            typename std::enable_if<Dummy && (VC & VC_RVal), bool>::type = true>
+  static Apply<UnCVRef<Tp>> cast(Tp &&t) {
+    using ToType = Apply<UnCVRef<Tp>>;
+    return static_cast<ToType>(std::move(t));
+  }
+  template <
+      class Tp, bool Dummy = true,
+      typename std::enable_if<Dummy && ((VC & (VC_LVal | VC_RVal)) == VC_None),
+                              bool>::type = true>
+  static Apply<UnCVRef<Tp>> cast(Tp &&t) {
+    return t;
+  }
+template <ValueCategory VC, class Tp>
+using ApplyValueCategoryT = typename ApplyValueCategory<VC>::template Apply<Tp>;
+template <class Tp>
+using PropagateValueCategory = ApplyValueCategory<getValueCategory<Tp>()>;
+template <class Tp, class Up>
+using PropagateValueCategoryT =
+    typename ApplyValueCategory<getValueCategory<Tp>()>::template Apply<Up>;
+template <ValueCategory VC, class Tp>
+typename ApplyValueCategory<VC>::template Apply<Tp> ValueCategoryCast(Tp &&t) {
+  return ApplyValueCategory<VC>::cast(std::forward<Tp>(t));
Index: test/std/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.cnstr/derived_from_tuple_like.pass.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/std/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.cnstr/derived_from_tuple_like.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// <tuple>
+// template <class... Types> class tuple;
+// template <class... UTypes>
+//   tuple& operator=(const tuple<UTypes...>& u);
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03
+#include <tuple>
+#include <array>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "propagate_value_category.hpp"
+template <bool Explicit = false>
+struct TracksIntQuals {
+  TracksIntQuals() : value(-1), value_category(VC_None), assigned(false) {}
+  template <
+      class Tp,
+      typename std::enable_if<Explicit &&
+                                  !std::is_same<typename std::decay<Tp>::type,
+                                                TracksIntQuals>::value,
+                              bool>::type = false>
+  explicit TracksIntQuals(Tp &&x)
+      : value(x), value_category(getValueCategory<Tp &&>()), assigned(false) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<UnCVRef<Tp>, int>::value, "");
+  }
+  template <
+      class Tp,
+      typename std::enable_if<!Explicit &&
+                                  !std::is_same<typename std::decay<Tp>::type,
+                                                TracksIntQuals>::value,
+                              bool>::type = false>
+  TracksIntQuals(Tp &&x)
+      : value(x), value_category(getValueCategory<Tp &&>()), assigned(false) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<UnCVRef<Tp>, int>::value, "");
+  }
+  template <class Tp,
+            class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<
+                typename std::decay<Tp>::type, TracksIntQuals>::value>::type>
+  TracksIntQuals &operator=(Tp &&x) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<UnCVRef<Tp>, int>::value, "");
+    value = x;
+    value_category = getValueCategory<Tp &&>();
+    assigned = true;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void reset() {
+    value = -1;
+    value_category = VC_None;
+    assigned = false;
+  }
+  bool checkConstruct(int expect, ValueCategory expect_vc) const {
+    return value != 1 && value == expect && value_category == expect_vc &&
+           assigned == false;
+  }
+  bool checkAssign(int expect, ValueCategory expect_vc) const {
+    return value != 1 && value == expect && value_category == expect_vc &&
+           assigned == true;
+  }
+  int value;
+  ValueCategory value_category;
+  bool assigned;
+template <class Tup>
+struct DerivedFromTup : Tup {
+  using Tup::Tup;
+template <ValueCategory VC>
+void do_derived_construct_test() {
+  using Tup1 = std::tuple<long, TracksIntQuals</*Explicit*/ false>>;
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::tuple<int, int>> d(42, 101);
+    Tup1 t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::pair<int, int>> d(42, 101);
+    Tup1 t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::array<int, 2>> d = {{{42, 101}}};
+    Tup1 t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+  using Tup2 = std::tuple<long, TracksIntQuals</*Explicit*/ true>>;
+  {
+    using D = DerivedFromTup<std::tuple<int, int>>;
+    static_assert(!std::is_convertible<ApplyValueCategoryT<VC, D>, Tup2>::value,
+                  "");
+    D d(42, 101);
+    Tup2 t(ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d));
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+  {
+    using D = DerivedFromTup<std::pair<int, int>>;
+    static_assert(!std::is_convertible<ApplyValueCategoryT<VC, D>, Tup2>::value,
+                  "");
+    D d(42, 101);
+    Tup2 t(ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d));
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+  {
+    using D = DerivedFromTup<std::array<int, 2>>;
+    static_assert(!std::is_convertible<ApplyValueCategoryT<VC, D>, Tup2>::value,
+                  "");
+    D d = {{{42, 101}}};
+    Tup2 t(ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d));
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkConstruct(101, VC));
+  }
+int main() {
+  do_derived_construct_test<VC_LVal | VC_Const>();
+  do_derived_construct_test<VC_RVal>();
+#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
+  // Supporting non-const copy and const move are libc++ extensions
+  do_derived_construct_test<VC_LVal>();
+  do_derived_construct_test<VC_RVal | VC_Const>();
Index: test/std/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.assign/derived_from_tuple_like.pass.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/std/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.assign/derived_from_tuple_like.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// <tuple>
+// template <class... Types> class tuple;
+// template <class... UTypes>
+//   tuple& operator=(const tuple<UTypes...>& u);
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03
+#include <tuple>
+#include <array>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "propagate_value_category.hpp"
+struct TracksIntQuals {
+  TracksIntQuals() : value(-1), value_category(VC_None), assigned(false) {}
+  template <class Tp,
+            class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<
+                typename std::decay<Tp>::type, TracksIntQuals>::value>::type>
+  TracksIntQuals(Tp &&x)
+      : value(x), value_category(getValueCategory<Tp &&>()), assigned(false) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<UnCVRef<Tp>, int>::value, "");
+  }
+  template <class Tp,
+            class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<
+                typename std::decay<Tp>::type, TracksIntQuals>::value>::type>
+  TracksIntQuals &operator=(Tp &&x) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<UnCVRef<Tp>, int>::value, "");
+    value = x;
+    value_category = getValueCategory<Tp &&>();
+    assigned = true;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void reset() {
+    value = -1;
+    value_category = VC_None;
+    assigned = false;
+  }
+  bool checkConstruct(int expect, ValueCategory expect_vc) const {
+    return value != 1 && value == expect && value_category == expect_vc &&
+           assigned == false;
+  }
+  bool checkAssign(int expect, ValueCategory expect_vc) const {
+    return value != 1 && value == expect && value_category == expect_vc &&
+           assigned == true;
+  }
+  int value;
+  ValueCategory value_category;
+  bool assigned;
+template <class Tup>
+struct DerivedFromTup : Tup {
+  using Tup::Tup;
+template <ValueCategory VC>
+void do_derived_assign_test() {
+  using Tup1 = std::tuple<long, TracksIntQuals>;
+  Tup1 t;
+  auto reset = [&]() {
+    std::get<0>(t) = -1;
+    std::get<1>(t).reset();
+  };
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::tuple<int, int>> d(42, 101);
+    t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkAssign(101, VC));
+  }
+  reset();
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::pair<int, int>> d(42, 101);
+    t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkAssign(101, VC));
+  }
+  reset();
+  {
+    DerivedFromTup<std::array<int, 2>> d = {{{42, 101}}};
+    t = ValueCategoryCast<VC>(d);
+    assert(std::get<0>(t) == 42);
+    assert(std::get<1>(t).checkAssign(101, VC));
+  }
+int main() {
+    do_derived_assign_test<VC_LVal | VC_Const>();
+    do_derived_assign_test<VC_RVal>();
+#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
+    // Non-const copy assign and const move assign are libc++ extensions.
+    do_derived_assign_test<VC_LVal>();
+    do_derived_assign_test<VC_RVal | VC_Const>();
Index: include/type_traits
--- include/type_traits
+++ include/type_traits
@@ -4696,6 +4696,65 @@
+#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
+// __propagate_value_category -- A utility for detecting the value category
+// of a given type and applying that value-category to another type.
+// For example applying the cv-ref quals of a derived type to form the
+// correctly cv-qualified base type.
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category {
+  template <class _ToType> struct __checked_apply {
+    static_assert(!is_reference<_ToType>::value, "must be unqualified");
+    static_assert(!is_const<_ToType>::value
+               && !is_volatile<_ToType>::value, "must be unqualified");
+    using type = _ToType;
+  };
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename __checked_apply<_ToType>::type;
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category<_FromType&> {
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename add_lvalue_reference<
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_FromType>::template __apply<_ToType>
+  >::type;
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category<_FromType&&> {
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename add_rvalue_reference<
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_FromType>::template __apply<_ToType>
+  >::type;
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category<_FromType const> {
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename add_const<
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_FromType>::template __apply<_ToType>
+  >::type;
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category<_FromType volatile> {
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename add_volatile<
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_FromType>::template __apply<_ToType>
+  >::type;
+template <class _FromType>
+struct __propagate_value_category<_FromType const volatile> {
+  template <class _ToType>
+  using __apply = typename add_cv<
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_FromType>::template __apply<_ToType>
+  >::type;
Index: include/tuple
--- include/tuple
+++ include/tuple
@@ -555,13 +555,19 @@
         template <class _Tuple>
         static constexpr bool __enable_implicit() {
-            return __tuple_convertible<_Tuple, tuple>::value;
+            using _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>;
+            using _QualType = typename _Deduced::_QualType;
+            static_assert(__tuple_like<typename _Deduced::_RawType>::value, "");
+            return __tuple_convertible<_QualType, tuple>::value;
         template <class _Tuple>
         static constexpr bool __enable_explicit() {
-            return __tuple_constructible<_Tuple, tuple>::value
-               && !__tuple_convertible<_Tuple, tuple>::value;
+            using _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>;
+            using _QualType = typename _Deduced::_QualType;
+           static_assert(__tuple_like<typename _Deduced::_RawType>::value, "");
+            return __tuple_constructible<_QualType, tuple>::value
+               && !__tuple_convertible<_QualType, tuple>::value;
@@ -814,53 +820,61 @@
                     _VSTD::forward<_Up>(__u)...) {}
     template <class _Tuple,
+              class _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>,
+              class _TupBase = typename _Deduced::_QualType,
               typename enable_if
-                             __tuple_like_with_size<_Tuple, sizeof...(_Tp)>::value
-                             && !_PackExpandsToThisTuple<_Tuple>::value
-                         >::template __enable_implicit<_Tuple>(),
+                            _Deduced::_Size == sizeof...(_Tp)
+                             && !_PackExpandsToThisTuple<_TupBase>::value
+                         >::template __enable_implicit<_TupBase>(),
                       >::type = false
-        tuple(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<base, _Tuple>::value))
-            : base_(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t)) {}
+        tuple(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<base, _TupBase>::value))
+            : base_(_VSTD::forward<_TupBase>(__t)) {}
     template <class _Tuple,
+              class _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>,
+              class _TupBase = typename _Deduced::_QualType,
               typename enable_if
-                             __tuple_like_with_size<_Tuple, sizeof...(_Tp)>::value
-                             && !_PackExpandsToThisTuple<_Tuple>::value
-                         >::template __enable_explicit<_Tuple>(),
+                              _Deduced::_Size == sizeof...(_Tp)
+                             && !_PackExpandsToThisTuple<_TupBase>::value
+                         >::template __enable_explicit<_TupBase>(),
                       >::type = false
-        tuple(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<base, _Tuple>::value))
-            : base_(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t)) {}
+        tuple(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<base, _TupBase>::value))
+            : base_(_VSTD::forward<_TupBase>(__t)) {}
     template <class _Alloc, class _Tuple,
+              class _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>,
+              class _TupBase = typename _Deduced::_QualType,
               typename enable_if
-                             __tuple_like_with_size<_Tuple, sizeof...(_Tp)>::value
-                         >::template __enable_implicit<_Tuple>(),
+                             _Deduced::_Size == sizeof...(_Tp)
+                         >::template __enable_implicit<_TupBase>(),
                       >::type = false
         tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a, _Tuple&& __t)
-            : base_(allocator_arg_t(), __a, _VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t)) {}
+            : base_(allocator_arg_t(), __a, _VSTD::forward<_TupBase>(__t)) {}
     template <class _Alloc, class _Tuple,
+               class _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>,
+              class _TupBase = typename _Deduced::_QualType,
               typename enable_if
-                             __tuple_like_with_size<_Tuple, sizeof...(_Tp)>::value
-                         >::template __enable_explicit<_Tuple>(),
+                             _Deduced::_Size == sizeof...(_Tp)
+                         >::template __enable_explicit<_TupBase>(),
                       >::type = false
@@ -873,7 +887,7 @@
     using _CanMoveAssign = __all<is_move_assignable<_Tp>::value...>;
-    tuple& operator=(typename conditional<_CanCopyAssign::value, tuple, __nat>::type const& __t)
+    tuple& operator=(typename conditional<_CanCopyAssign::value, tuple const&, __nat>::type const& __t)
@@ -889,16 +903,18 @@
     template <class _Tuple,
+              class _Deducer = __deduce_tuple_like<_Tuple>,
+              class _QualTupleBase = typename _Deducer::_QualType,
               class = typename enable_if
-                         __tuple_assignable<_Tuple, tuple>::value
+                         __tuple_assignable<_QualTupleBase, tuple>::value
-        operator=(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_assignable<base&, _Tuple>::value))
+        operator=(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_assignable<base&, _QualTupleBase>::value))
-            base_.operator=(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t));
+            base_.operator=(_VSTD::forward<_QualTupleBase>(__t));
             return *this;
Index: include/__tuple
--- include/__tuple
+++ include/__tuple
@@ -453,19 +453,57 @@
 #ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
-template <bool _IsTuple, class _SizeTrait, size_t _Expected>
-struct __tuple_like_with_size_imp : false_type {};
-template <class _SizeTrait, size_t _Expected>
-struct __tuple_like_with_size_imp<true, _SizeTrait, _Expected>
-    : integral_constant<bool, _SizeTrait::value == _Expected> {};
-template <class _Tuple, size_t _ExpectedSize,
-          class _RawTuple = typename __uncvref<_Tuple>::type>
-using __tuple_like_with_size = __tuple_like_with_size_imp<
-                                   __tuple_like<_RawTuple>::value,
-                                   tuple_size<_RawTuple>, _ExpectedSize
-                              >;
+template <class _Tp, size_t _TSize, bool _Good = true>
+struct __lookup_result {
+  using type = _Tp;
+  static constexpr bool _Success = _Good;
+  static constexpr size_t _Size = _TSize;
+using __lookup_failure = __lookup_result<void, (size_t)-1, false>;
+template <class ..._Args>
+auto __deduce_tuple_type_ovl(tuple<_Args...>&)
+    -> __lookup_result<tuple<_Args...>, sizeof...(_Args)>;
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+auto __deduce_tuple_type_ovl(pair<_T1, _T2>&)
+    -> __lookup_result<pair<_T1, _T2>, 2>;
+template <class _Tp, size_t _Size>
+auto __deduce_tuple_type_ovl(array<_Tp, _Size>&)
+  -> __lookup_result<array<_Tp, _Size>, _Size>;
+template <class _Tp>
+auto __deduce_tuple_type_imp(int)
+  -> decltype(__deduce_tuple_type_ovl(_VSTD::declval<__uncvref_t<_Tp>&>()));
+template <class> __lookup_failure __deduce_tuple_type_imp(...);
+// __deduce_tuple_like - Given a type determine if it is, or is derived from,
+//   a tuple-like type. This trait is used to support constructing and assigning
+//   to std::tuple from user-types derived from a tuple-like type.
+template <class _TupleLike,
+    class _Result = decltype(__deduce_tuple_type_imp<_TupleLike>(0)),
+    bool _Good = _Result::_Success>
+struct __deduce_tuple_like {
+  static_assert(_Good, "incorrect specialization choosen");
+  static constexpr bool _Success = true;
+  static constexpr size_t _Size = _Result::_Size;
+  using _RawType = typename _Result::type;
+  using _QualType =
+    typename __propagate_value_category<_TupleLike>::template __apply<_RawType>;
+template <class _TupleLike, class _Result>
+struct __deduce_tuple_like<_TupleLike, _Result, /*_Good=*/false> {
+  static constexpr bool _Success = false;
+  static constexpr size_t _Size = (size_t)-1;
+template <class _TupleLike, size_t _ExpectedSize,
+          class _Deduced = __deduce_tuple_like<_TupleLike>>
+using __tuple_like_with_size = integral_constant<bool,
+    _Deduced::_Success && _Deduced::_Size == _ExpectedSize>;
 struct _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS __check_tuple_constructor_fail {
     template <class ...>
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