@@ -1637,6 +1678,144 @@ TEST(TypeHints, SubstTemplateParameterAliases) {
                         ExpectedHint{": static_vector<int>", "vector_name"});
+template <typename... Labels>
+void assertTypeLinkHints(StringRef Code, StringRef HintRange,
+                         Labels... ExpectedLabels) {
+  Annotations Source(Code);
+  auto HintAt = [&](llvm::ArrayRef<InlayHint> InlayHints,
+                    llvm::StringRef Range) {
+    auto *Hint = llvm::find_if(InlayHints, [&](const InlayHint &InlayHint) {
+      return InlayHint.range == Source.range(Range);
+    });
+    assert(Hint && "No range was found");
+    return llvm::ArrayRef(Hint->label);
+  };
+  TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Source.code());
+  TU.ExtraArgs.push_back("-std=c++2c");
+  auto AST = TU.build();
+  Config C;
+  C.InlayHints.TypeNameLimit = 0;
+  WithContextValue WithCfg(Config::Key, std::move(C));
+  auto Hints = hintsOfKind(AST, InlayHintKind::Type);
+  EXPECT_THAT(HintAt(Hints, HintRange),
+              ElementsAre(HintLabelPieceMatcher(ExpectedLabels, Source)...));
+TEST(TypeHints, Links) {
+  StringRef Source(R"cpp(
+    $Package[[template <class T, class U>
zyn0217 wrote:

> Is there a reason to prefer putting full decl source ranges into 
> InlayHintLabelPart.location, rather than single-token source ranges (e.g. 
> just the range Package) like in the go-to-definition response?

Frankly, it is because the protocol requires a source range of something, and 
I'm concerned that providing only one source location doesn't really make a 
better experience. But I have to say I've never attempted it before, so I think 
it's worth a try.

> What vscode seems to do is call textDocument/definition at the start position 
> of the range, and navigate to the resulting definition location.

I have realized that problem; it looks like a call to `textDocument/definition` 
is not cheap and it usually takes a few seconds to respond (taking us to the 
definition/getting the hover content) on my other large project.

> We have [some 
> utilities](https://searchfox.org/llvm/rev/1664610130b88ef168e33eddfe973a3f11bd4261/clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp#414-415)
>  for getting the single-token source range for the go-to-def response, which 
> we could probably reuse.
> (As a bonus, it makes the tests a bit easier to write and read.)

Thanks! I really appreciate that and will explore it soon. :)

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