@@ -1864,7 +1894,11 @@ FormatStyle getWebKitStyle() {
   Style.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty = true;
   Style.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left;
   Style.SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList = true;
-  Style.SpaceInEmptyBlock = true;
+  Style.SpaceInEmptyBraces = FormatStyle::SIEBO_Custom;
+  Style.SpaceInEmptyBracesOptions.Block = true;
+  Style.SpaceInEmptyBracesOptions.InitList = true;
+  Style.SpacesInParensOptions.InEmptyParentheses = false;
khei4 wrote:

Thank you. I found there are no entries about empty braces. I will consult on 
the WebKit mailing list about the inconsistency between Code Style Guideline 
and check-webkit-style script. I think it’s good to separate the WebKit Style 
fixes and empty braces options addition on this patch. Although I can’t still 
find how much this kind of inconsistency are there, I will file an issue if 
it’s necessary. :)

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