sbarzowski added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/obvious/InvalidRangeCheck.cpp:20-36
+    "std::for_each; std::find; std::find_if; std::find_end; "
+    "std::find_first_of; std::adjacent_find; std::count; std::count_if;"
+    "std::mismatch; std::equal; std::search; std::copy; "
+    "std::copy_backward; std::swap_ranges; std::transform; std::replace"
+    "std::replace_if; std::replace_copy; std::replace_copy_if; std::fill; "
+    "std::fill_n; std::generate; std::generate_n; std::remove; std::remove_if"
+    "std::remove_copy; std::remove_copy_if; std::unique; std::unique_copy;"
Prazek wrote:
> sbarzowski wrote:
> > I would go with one per line. It will be much more diff-friendly this way.  
> > And also much easier to add stuff in the middle and maybe keep it sorted. 
> I don't expect this list to change in any way in the future, and it already 
> take more than 20 lines. I don't want to put about 80 lines only to define 
> the names
Ok, I don't think it's important enough to argue about it if it was your 
deliberate decision.

But I still think your argument is invalid :-). If anything that calls for 
putting it in a separate file.

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