@@ -2502,10 +2509,25 @@ _mm_mulhi_pu16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
 ///    A pointer to a 64-bit memory location that will receive the 
 ///    copied integer values. The address of the memory location does not have
 ///    to be aligned.
-static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS_MMX
+static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS_SSE2
 _mm_maskmove_si64(__m64 __d, __m64 __n, char *__p)
-  __builtin_ia32_maskmovq((__v8qi)__d, (__v8qi)__n, __p);
+  // This is complex, because we need to support the case where __p is pointing
+  // within the last 15 to 8 bytes of a page. In that case, using a 128-bit
+  // write might cause a trap where a 64-bit maskmovq would not. (Memory
+  // locations not selected by the mask bits might still cause traps.)
+  __m128i __d128  = __anyext128(__d);
+  __m128i __n128  = __zext128(__n);
+  if (((__SIZE_TYPE__)__p & 0xfff) >= 4096-15 &&
+      ((__SIZE_TYPE__)__p & 0xfff) <= 4096-8) {
phoebewang wrote:

`<` ?

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