@@ -284,3 +284,48 @@ Example Usage
       Base* basePtr = &obj;
       basePtr->virtualFunction(); // Allowed since obj is constructed in 
device code
+SPIR-V Support on HIPAMD ToolChain
+The HIPAMD ToolChain supports targetting
+`AMDGCN Flavoured SPIR-V 
+The support for SPIR-V in the ROCm and HIPAMD ToolChain is under active
+Compilation Process
+When compiling HIP programs with the intent of utilizing SPIR-V, the process
+diverges from the traditional compilation flow:
+Using ``--offload-arch=amdgcnspirv``
+- **Target Triple**: The ``--offload-arch=amdgcnspirv`` flag instructs the
+  compiler to use the target triple ``spirv64-amd-amdhsa``. This approach does
+  generates generic AMDGCN SPIR-V which retains architecture specific elements
+  without hardcoding them, thus allowing for optimal target specific code to be
+  generated at run time, when the concrete target is known.
+- **LLVM IR Translation**: The program is compiled to LLVM Intermediate
+  Representation (IR), which is subsequently translated into SPIR-V. In the
+  future, this translation step will be replaced by direct SPIR-V emission via
+  the SPIR-V Back-end.
+- **Clang Offload Bundler**: The resulting SPIR-V is embedded in the Clang
+  offload bundler with the bundle ID ``hipv4-hip-spirv64-amd-amdhsa-generic``.
+Mixed with Normal ``--offload-arch``
+**Mixing ``amdgcnspirv`` and concrete ``gfx###`` targets via ``--offload-arch``
jhuber6 wrote:

I'll need to play with this with my driver code. I'm guessing it's because it 
needs to generate an entirely separate toolchain? The OpenMP path basically 
does that by inferring the toolchain from the string value, so we can support 
`--offload-arch=sm_89,gfx90a` for example.

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