mh4ck-Thales wrote:

The tests for the use of `wasm-opt` are hard to integrate into the LLVM project 
as `wasm-opt` is not part of the LLVM toolchain itself (which is the initial 
use case for the new `--no-wasm-opt` flag: as LLVM is not distributed with 
`wasm-opt` by default a same compilation command silently resulted of different 
binaries depending on the presence or not of `wasm-opt`...). I guess maybe one 
can hack the test suite in some way for this specific case, or maybe a suitable 
solution could be found to integrate `wasm-opt` into the LLVM distributions.

@alexcrichton would it be relevant to open an issue in the binaryen repo for 
the support of Wasm components?
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