Author: Justin Bogner
Date: 2024-07-16T13:42:55-07:00
New Revision: 9be5f4f5d5617d11e96fe53e8c3f463252486641


LOG: [DirectX] Start documenting DXIL Resource handling (#90553)

This adds a new document about DXIL Resource Handling. I've attempted to
describe here how we intend to use TargetExtTypes to represent resources
in LLVM IR and the various intrinsics we'll need to lower these through

For now this document is limited to the high level concepts and a few
details on buffer types, and there are a number of TODOs in the document
that we'll iterate on as we progress in the implementation.




diff  --git a/clang/docs/HLSL/HLSLIRReference.rst 
index c0d8d33f33bff..c0033946a6ec8 100644
--- a/clang/docs/HLSL/HLSLIRReference.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/HLSL/HLSLIRReference.rst
@@ -11,15 +11,6 @@ Introduction
 The goal of this document is to provide a reference for all the special purpose
 IR metadata and attributes used by the HLSL code generation path.
-IR Metadata
-The ``hlsl.uavs`` metadata is a list of all the external global variables that
-represent UAV resources.
 Function Attributes

diff  --git a/clang/docs/HLSL/ResourceTypes.rst 
index aad7b3314f084..4309435cf14f0 100644
--- a/clang/docs/HLSL/ResourceTypes.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/HLSL/ResourceTypes.rst
@@ -19,16 +19,15 @@ In Clang resource types are forward declared by the 
 on initialization. They are then lazily completed when ``requiresCompleteType``
 is called later in Sema.
-Resource types are templated class declarations. The template parameter
-specifies the expected return type of resource loads, and the expected 
-type for stores.
-In Clang's AST and code generation, resource types are classes that store a
-pointer of the template parameter type. The pointer is populated from a call to
-``__builtin_hlsl_create_handle``, and treated as a pointer to an array of typed
-data through until lowering in the backend.
-Resource types are annotated with the ``HLSLResource`` attribute, which drives
-code generation for resource binding metadata. The ``hlsl`` metadata nodes are
-transformed in the backend to the binding information expected by the target
+Resource types are classes that have the "intangible" resource handle type,
+`__hlsl_resource_t`, as a member. These are generally templated class
+declarations that specify the type of data that can be loaded from or stored
+into the resource. The handle is annotated with hlsl-specific attributes
+describing properties of the resource. Member functions of a resource type are
+generally fairly simple wrappers around builtins that operate on the handle
+During code generation resource types are lowered to target extension types in
+IR. These types are target specific and 
diff er between DXIL and SPIR-V
+generation, providing the necessary information for the targets to generate
+binding metadata for their respective target runtimes.

diff  --git a/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5bbe902d9d2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+DXIL Resource Handling
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+.. toctree::
+   :hidden:
+Resources in DXIL are represented via ``TargetExtType`` in LLVM IR and
+eventually lowered by the DirectX backend into metadata in DXIL.
+In DXC and DXIL, static resources are represented as lists of SRVs (Shader
+Resource Views), UAVs (Uniform Access Views), CBVs (Constant Bffer Views), and
+Samplers. This metadata consists of a "resource record ID" which uniquely
+identifies a resource and type information. As of shader model 6.6, there are
+also dynamic resources, which forgo the metadata and are described via
+``annotateHandle`` operations in the instruction stream instead.
+In LLVM we attempt to unify some of the alternative representations that are
+present in DXC, with the aim of making handling of resources in the middle end
+of the compiler simpler and more consistent.
+Resource Type Information and Properties
+There are a number of properties associated with a resource in DXIL.
+`Resource ID`
+   An arbitrary ID that must be unique per resource type (SRV, UAV, etc).
+   In LLVM we don't bother representing this, instead opting to generate it at
+   DXIL lowering time.
+`Binding information`
+   Information about where the resource comes from. This is either (a) a
+   register space, lower bound in that space, and size of the binding, or (b)
+   an index into a dynamic resource heap.
+   In LLVM we represent binding information in the arguments of the
+   :ref:`handle creation intrinsics <dxil-resources-handles>`. When generating
+   DXIL we transform these calls to metadata, ``dx.op.createHandle``,
+   ``dx.op.createHandleFromBinding``, ``dx.op.createHandleFromHeap``, and
+   ``dx.op.createHandleForLib`` as needed.
+`Type information`
+   The type of data that's accessible via the resource. For buffers and
+   textures this can be a simple type like ``float`` or ``float4``, a struct,
+   or raw bytes. For constant buffers this is just a size. For samplers this is
+   the kind of sampler.
+   In LLVM we embed this information as a parameter on the ``target()`` type of
+   the resource. See :ref:`dxil-resources-types-of-resource`.
+`Resource kind information`
+   The kind of resource. In HLSL we have things like ``ByteAddressBuffer``,
+   ``RWTexture2D``, and ``RasterizerOrderedStructuredBuffer``. These map to a
+   set of DXIL kinds like ``RawBuffer`` and ``Texture2D`` with fields for
+   certain properties such as ``IsUAV`` and ``IsROV``.
+   In LLVM we represent this in the ``target()`` type. We omit information
+   that's deriveable from the type information, but we do have fields to encode
+   ``IsWriteable``, ``IsROV``, and ``SampleCount`` when needed.
+.. note:: TODO: There are two fields in the DXIL metadata that are not
+   represented as part of the target type: ``IsGloballyCoherent`` and
+   ``HasCounter``.
+   Since these are derived from analysis, storing them on the type would mean
+   we need to change the type during the compiler pipeline. That just isn't
+   practical. It isn't entirely clear to me that we need to serialize this info
+   into the IR during the compiler pipeline anyway - we can probably get away
+   with an analysis pass that can calculate the information when we need it.
+   If analysis is insufficient we'll need something akin to ``annotateHandle``
+   (but limited to these two properties) or to encode these in the handle
+   creation.
+.. _dxil-resources-types-of-resource:
+Types of Resource
+We define a set of ``TargetExtTypes`` that is similar to the HLSL
+representations for the various resources, albeit with a few things
+parameterized. This is 
diff erent than DXIL, as simplifying the types to
+something like "dx.srv" and "dx.uav" types would mean the operations on these
+types would have to be overly generic.
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   target("dx.TypedBuffer", ElementType, IsWriteable, IsROV)
+   target("dx.RawBuffer", ElementType, IsWriteable, IsROV)
+We need two separate buffer types to account for the 
diff erences between the
+16-byte `bufferLoad`_ / `bufferStore`_ operations that work on DXIL's
+TypedBuffers and the `rawBufferLoad`_ / `rawBufferStore`_ operations that are
+used for DXIL's RawBuffers and StructuredBuffers. We call the latter
+"RawBuffer" to match the naming of the operations, but it can represent both
+the Raw and Structured variants.
+For TypedBuffer, the element type must be an integer or floating point type.
+For RawBuffer the type can be an integer, floating point, or struct type.
+HLSL's ByteAddressBuffer is represented by an `i8` element type.
+These types are generally used by BufferLoad and BufferStore operations, as
+well as atomics.
+There are a few fields to describe variants of all of these types:
+.. list-table:: Buffer Fields
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Field
+     - Description
+   * - ElementType
+     - Type for a single element, such as ``i8``, ``v4f32``, or a structure
+       type.
+   * - IsWriteable
+     - Whether or not the field is writeable. This distinguishes SRVs (not
+       writeable) and UAVs (writeable).
+   * - IsROV
+     - Whether the UAV is a rasterizer ordered view. Always ``0`` for SRVs.
+.. _bufferLoad:
+.. _bufferStore:
+.. _rawBufferLoad:
+.. _rawBufferStore:
+Resource Operations
+.. _dxil-resources-handles:
+Resource Handles
+We provide a few 
diff erent ways to instantiate resources in the IR via the
+``llvm.dx.handle.*`` intrinsics. These intrinsics are overloaded on return
+type, returning an appropriate handle for the resource, and represent binding
+information in the arguments to the intrinsic.
+The three operations we need are ``llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding``,
+``llvm.dx.handle.fromHeap``, and ``llvm.dx.handle.fromPointer``. These are
+rougly equivalent to the DXIL operations ``dx.op.createHandleFromBinding``,
+``dx.op.createHandleFromHeap``, and ``dx.op.createHandleForLib``, but they fold
+the subsequent ``dx.op.annotateHandle`` operation in. Note that we don't have
+an analogue for `dx.op.createHandle`_, since ``dx.op.createHandleFromBinding``
+subsumes it.
+.. _dx.op.createHandle:
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - A ``target()`` type
+     - A handle which can be operated on
+   * - ``%reg_space``
+     - 1
+     - ``i32``
+     - Register space ID in the root signature for this resource.
+   * - ``%lower_bound``
+     - 2
+     - ``i32``
+     - Lower bound of the binding in its register space.
+   * - ``%range_size``
+     - 3
+     - ``i32``
+     - Range size of the binding.
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 4
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index of the resource to access.
+   * - ``%non-uniform``
+     - 5
+     - i1
+     - Must be ``true`` if the resource index may be non-uniform.
+.. note:: TODO: Can we drop the uniformity bit? I suspect we can derive it from
+          uniformity analysis...
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   ; RWBuffer<float4> Buf : register(u5, space3)
+   %buf = call target("dx.TypedBuffer", float, 1, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding.tdx.TypedBuffer_f32_1_0(
+                   i32 3, i32 5, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+   ; RWBuffer<uint> Buf : register(u7, space2)
+   %buf = call target("dx.TypedBuffer", i32, 1, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding.tdx.TypedBuffer_i32_1_0t(
+                   i32 2, i32 7, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+   ; Buffer<uint4> Buf[24] : register(t3, space5)
+   %buf = call target("dx.TypedBuffer", i32, 0, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding.tdx.TypedBuffer_i32_0_0t(
+                   i32 2, i32 7, i32 24, i32 0, i1 false)
+   ; struct S { float4 a; uint4 b; };
+   ; StructuredBuffer<S> Buf : register(t2, space4)
+   %buf = call target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x f32>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding.tdx.RawBuffer_sl_v4f32v4i32s_0_0t(
+                   i32 4, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+   ; ByteAddressBuffer Buf : register(t8, space1)
+   %buf = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromBinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0t(
+                   i32 1, i32 8, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.handle.fromHeap``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - A ``target()`` type
+     - A handle which can be operated on
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 0
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index of the resource to access.
+   * - ``%non-uniform``
+     - 1
+     - i1
+     - Must be ``true`` if the resource index may be non-uniform.
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   ; RWStructuredBuffer<float4> Buf = ResourceDescriptorHeap[2];
+   declare
+     target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x float>, 1, 0)
+     @llvm.dx.handle.fromHeap.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_1_0(
+         i32 %index, i1 %non_uniform)
+   ; ...
+   %buf = call target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x f32>, 1, 0)
+               @llvm.dx.handle.fromHeap.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_1_0(
+                   i32 2, i1 false)
+Buffer Loads and Stores
+*relevant types: Buffers*
+We need to treat buffer loads and stores from "dx.TypedBuffer" and
+"dx.RawBuffer" separately. For TypedBuffer, we have ``llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad``
+and ``llvm.dx.typedBufferStore``, which load and store 16-byte "rows" of data
+via a simple index. For RawBuffer, we have ``llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr``, which
+return a pointer that can be indexed, loaded, and stored to as needed.
+The typed load and store operations always operate on exactly 16 bytes of data,
+so there are only a few valid overloads. For types that are 32-bits or smaller,
+we operate on 4-element vectors, such as ``<4 x i32>``, ``<4 x float>``, or
+``<4 x half>``. Note that in 16-bit cases each 16-bit value occupies 32-bits of
+storage. For 64-bit types we operate on 2-element vectors - ``<2 x double>`` or
+``<2 x i64>``. When a type like `Buffer<float>` is used at the HLSL level, it
+is expected that this will operate on a single float in each 16 byte row - that
+is, a load would use the ``<4 x float>`` variant and then extract the first
+.. note:: In DXC, trying to operate on a ``Buffer<double4>`` crashes the
+          compiler. We should probably just reject this in the frontend.
+The TypedBuffer intrinsics are lowered to the `bufferLoad`_ and `bufferStore`_
+operations, and the operations on the memory accessed by RawBufferPtr are
+lowered to `rawBufferLoad`_ and `rawBufferStore`_. Note that if we want to
+support DXIL versions prior to 1.2 we'll need to lower the RawBuffer loads and
+stores to the non-raw operations as well.
+.. note:: TODO: We need to account for `CheckAccessFullyMapped`_ here.
+   In DXIL the load operations always return an ``i32`` status value, but this
+   isn't very ergonomic when it isn't used. We can (1) bite the bullet and have
+   the loads return `{%ret_type, %i32}` all the time, (2) create a variant or
+   update the signature iff the status is used, or (3) hide this in a sideband
+   channel somewhere. I'm leaning towards (2), but could probably be convinced
+   that the ugliness of (1) is worth the simplicity.
+.. _CheckAccessFullyMapped:
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - A 4- or 2-element vector of the type of the buffer
+     - The data loaded from the buffer
+   * - ``%buffer``
+     - 0
+     - ``target(dx.TypedBuffer, ...)``
+     - The buffer to load from
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 1
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index into the buffer
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   %ret = call <4 x float> @llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad.tdx.TypedBuffer_f32_0_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", f32, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %ret = call <4 x i32> @llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad.tdx.TypedBuffer_i32_0_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", i32, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %ret = call <4 x half> @llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad.tdx.TypedBuffer_f16_0_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", f16, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %ret = call <2 x double> @llvm.dx.typedBufferLoad.tdx.TypedBuffer_f64_0_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", double, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.typedBufferStore``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - ``void``
+     -
+   * - ``%buffer``
+     - 0
+     - ``target(dx.TypedBuffer, ...)``
+     - The buffer to store into
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 1
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index into the buffer
+   * - ``%data``
+     - 2
+     - A 4- or 2-element vector of the type of the buffer
+     - The data to store
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   call void @llvm.dx.bufferStore.tdx.Buffer_f32_1_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", f32, 1, 0) %buf, i32 %index, <4 x f32> %data)
+   call void @llvm.dx.bufferStore.tdx.Buffer_f16_1_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", f16, 1, 0) %buf, i32 %index, <4 x f16> %data)
+   call void @llvm.dx.bufferStore.tdx.Buffer_f64_1_0t(
+       target("dx.TypedBuffer", f64, 1, 0) %buf, i32 %index, <2 x f64> %data)
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - ``ptr``
+     - Pointer to an element of the buffer
+   * - ``%buffer``
+     - 0
+     - ``target(dx.RawBuffer, ...)``
+     - The buffer to load from
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 1
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index into the buffer
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   ; Load a float4 from a buffer
+   %buf = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x f32>, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %val = load <4 x float>, ptr %buf, align 16
+   ; Load the double from a struct containing an int, a float, and a double
+   %buf = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_sl_i32f32f64s_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, f32, f64}, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %val = getelementptr inbounds {i32, f32, f64}, ptr %buf, i32 0, i32 2
+   %d = load double, ptr %val, align 8
+   ; Load a float from a byte address buffer
+   %buf = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %val = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %buf, i64 0
+   %f = load float, ptr %val, align 4
+   ; Store to a buffer containing float4
+   %addr = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x f32>, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   store <4 x float> %val, ptr %addr
+   ; Store the double in a struct containing an int, a float, and a double
+   %buf = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_sl_i32f32f64s_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, f32, f64}, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %addr = getelementptr inbounds {i32, f32, f64}, ptr %buf, i32 0, i32 2
+   store double %d, ptr %addr
+   ; Store a float into a byte address buffer
+   %buf = call ptr @llvm.dx.rawBufferPtr.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0t(
+       target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+   %addr = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %buf, i64 0
+   store float %f, ptr %val

diff  --git a/llvm/docs/DirectXUsage.rst b/llvm/docs/DirectXUsage.rst
index 3e0ce40be569b..4d8f49bd224cb 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/DirectXUsage.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/DirectXUsage.rst
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ User Guide for the DirectX Target
 .. toctree::
-   DirectX/DXILArchitecture
+   DirectX/DXILArchitecture
+   DirectX/DXILResources

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