@@ -532,9 +533,298 @@ bool SystemZTargetCodeGenInfo::isVectorTypeBased(const 
Type *Ty,
   return false;
+// z/OS XPLINK ABI Implementation
+namespace {
+class ZOSXPLinkABIInfo : public ABIInfo {
+  const unsigned GPRBits = 64;
+  bool HasVector;
+  ZOSXPLinkABIInfo(CodeGenTypes &CGT, bool HV) : ABIInfo(CGT), HasVector(HV) {}
+  bool isPromotableIntegerType(QualType Ty) const;
+  bool isVectorArgumentType(QualType Ty) const;
+  bool isFPArgumentType(QualType Ty) const;
+  std::optional<QualType> getFPTypeOfComplexLikeType(QualType Ty) const;
+  ABIArgInfo classifyReturnType(QualType RetTy) const;
+  ABIArgInfo classifyArgumentType(QualType ArgTy, bool IsNamedArg) const;
+  void computeInfo(CGFunctionInfo &FI) const override {
+    if (!getCXXABI().classifyReturnType(FI))
+      FI.getReturnInfo() = classifyReturnType(FI.getReturnType());
+    unsigned NumRequiredArgs = FI.getNumRequiredArgs();
+    unsigned ArgNo = 0;
+    for (auto &I : FI.arguments()) {
+      bool IsNamedArg = ArgNo < NumRequiredArgs;
+      I.info = classifyArgumentType(I.type, IsNamedArg);
+      ++ArgNo;
+    }
+  }
+  RValue EmitVAArg(CodeGenFunction &CGF, Address VAListAddr, QualType Ty,
+                   AggValueSlot Slot) const override;
+class ZOSXPLinkTargetCodeGenInfo : public TargetCodeGenInfo {
+  ZOSXPLinkTargetCodeGenInfo(CodeGenTypes &CGT, bool HasVector)
+      : TargetCodeGenInfo(std::make_unique<ZOSXPLinkABIInfo>(CGT, HasVector)) {
+    SwiftInfo =
+        std::make_unique<SwiftABIInfo>(CGT, /*SwiftErrorInRegister=*/false);
+  }
+} // namespace
+// Return true if the ABI requires Ty to be passed sign- or zero-
+// extended to 64 bits.
+bool ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::isPromotableIntegerType(QualType Ty) const {
+  // Treat an enum type as its underlying type.
+  if (const EnumType *EnumTy = Ty->getAs<EnumType>())
+    Ty = EnumTy->getDecl()->getIntegerType();
+  // Promotable integer types are required to be promoted by the ABI.
+  if (getContext().isPromotableIntegerType(Ty))
+    return true;
+  if (const auto *EIT = Ty->getAs<BitIntType>())
+    if (EIT->getNumBits() < 64)
+      return true;
+  // In addition to the usual promotable integer types, we also need to
+  // extend all 32-bit types, since the ABI requires promotion to 64 bits.
+  if (const BuiltinType *BT = Ty->getAs<BuiltinType>())
+    switch (BT->getKind()) {
+    case BuiltinType::Int:
+    case BuiltinType::UInt:
+      return true;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  return false;
+bool ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::isVectorArgumentType(QualType Ty) const {
+  return (HasVector && Ty->isVectorType() &&
+          getContext().getTypeSize(Ty) <= 128);
+bool ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::isFPArgumentType(QualType Ty) const {
+  if (const BuiltinType *BT = Ty->getAs<BuiltinType>())
+    switch (BT->getKind()) {
+    case BuiltinType::Float:
+    case BuiltinType::Double:
+    case BuiltinType::LongDouble:
+      return true;
+    default:
+      return false;
+    }
+  return false;
+ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::getFPTypeOfComplexLikeType(QualType Ty) const {
+  if (const RecordType *RT = Ty->getAsStructureType()) {
+    const RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
+    // Check for non-empty base classes.
+    if (const CXXRecordDecl *CXXRD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RD))
+      if (CXXRD->hasDefinition())
+        for (const auto &I : CXXRD->bases()) {
+          QualType Base = I.getType();
+          if (!isEmptyRecord(getContext(), Base, true))
+            return std::nullopt;
+        }
+    // Check for exactly two elements with exactly the same floating point 
+    // A single-element struct containing only a float, double, or long double
+    // counts as a field of that type. If the struct has one field consisting
+    // of a complex type, it does not count. This design may be somewhat
+    // inconsistent but it matches the behavior of the legacy C compiler.
+    int Count = 0;
+    clang::BuiltinType::Kind ElemKind;
+    QualType RetTy;
+    for (const auto *FD : RD->fields()) {
+      if (Count >= 2)
+        return std::nullopt;
+      QualType FTSingleTy = FD->getType();
+      if (isAggregateTypeForABI(FTSingleTy)) {
+        const Type *Ty = isSingleElementStruct(FTSingleTy, getContext());
+        if (!Ty)
+          return std::nullopt;
+        FTSingleTy = QualType(Ty, 0);
+      }
+      if (isFPArgumentType(FTSingleTy)) {
+        clang::BuiltinType::Kind Kind =
+            FTSingleTy->getAs<BuiltinType>()->getKind();
+        if (Count == 0) {
+          ElemKind = Kind;
+          RetTy = FTSingleTy;
+        } else if (ElemKind != Kind)
+          return std::nullopt;
+      } else
+        return std::nullopt;
+      Count++;
+    }
+    if (Count == 2) {
+      // The last thing that needs to be checked is the size of the struct.
+      // If we have to emit any padding (eg. because of attribute aligned), 
+      // disqualifies the type from being complex.
+      unsigned RecordSize = getContext().getTypeSize(RT);
+      unsigned ElemSize = getContext().getTypeSize(RetTy);
+      if (RecordSize > 2 * ElemSize)
+        return std::nullopt;
+      return RetTy;
+    }
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
+ABIArgInfo ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::classifyReturnType(QualType RetTy) const {
+  // Ignore void types.
+  if (RetTy->isVoidType())
+    return ABIArgInfo::getIgnore();
+  // Vectors are returned directly.
+  if (isVectorArgumentType(RetTy))
+    return ABIArgInfo::getDirect();
+  // Complex types are returned by value as per the XPLINK docs.
+  // Their members will be placed in FPRs.
+  if (RetTy->isAnyComplexType())
+    return ABIArgInfo::getDirect();
+  // Complex LIKE structures are returned by value as per the XPLINK docs.
+  // Their members will be placed in FPRs.
+  if (RetTy->getAs<RecordType>()) {
+    if (auto CompTy = getFPTypeOfComplexLikeType(RetTy)) {
+      llvm::Type *FPTy = CGT.ConvertType(*CompTy);
+      llvm::Type *CoerceTy = llvm::StructType::get(FPTy, FPTy);
+      auto AI = ABIArgInfo::getDirect(CoerceTy);
+      AI.setCanBeFlattened(false);
+      return AI;
+    }
+  }
+  // Aggregates with a size of less than 3 GPRs are returned in GRPs 1, 2 and 
+  // Other aggregates are passed in memory as an implicit first parameter.
+  if (isAggregateTypeForABI(RetTy)) {
+    uint64_t AggregateTypeSize = getContext().getTypeSize(RetTy);
+    if (AggregateTypeSize <= 3 * GPRBits) {
+      uint64_t NumElements =
+          AggregateTypeSize / GPRBits + (AggregateTypeSize % GPRBits != 0);
+      // Types up to 8 bytes are passed as an integer type in GPR1.
+      // Types between 8 and 16 bytes are passed as integer types in GPR1, 2.
+      // Types between 16 and 24 bytes are passed as integer types in GPR1, 2
+      // and 3.
+      llvm::Type *CoerceTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(getVMContext(), GPRBits);
+      if (NumElements > 1)
+        CoerceTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(CoerceTy, NumElements);
+      return ABIArgInfo::getDirectInReg(CoerceTy);
+    }
+    return getNaturalAlignIndirect(RetTy);
+  }
+  return (isPromotableIntegerType(RetTy) ? ABIArgInfo::getExtend(RetTy)
+                                         : ABIArgInfo::getDirect());
+ABIArgInfo ZOSXPLinkABIInfo::classifyArgumentType(QualType Ty,
+                                                  bool IsNamedArg) const {
+  // Handle transparent union types.
+  Ty = useFirstFieldIfTransparentUnion(Ty);
+  // Handle the generic C++ ABI.
+  if (CGCXXABI::RecordArgABI RAA = getRecordArgABI(Ty, getCXXABI()))
+    return getNaturalAlignIndirect(Ty, RAA == CGCXXABI::RAA_DirectInMemory);
+  // Integers and enums are extended to full register width.
+  if (isPromotableIntegerType(Ty))
+    return ABIArgInfo::getExtend(Ty, CGT.ConvertType(Ty));
+  // Complex types are passed by value as per the XPLINK docs.
+  // If place available, their members will be placed in FPRs.
+  if (IsNamedArg) {
+    if (Ty->isComplexType()) {
+      auto AI = ABIArgInfo::getDirect(CGT.ConvertType(Ty));
+      AI.setCanBeFlattened(false);
+      return AI;
+    }
+    if (auto CompTy = getFPTypeOfComplexLikeType(Ty)) {
+      llvm::Type *FPTy = CGT.ConvertType(*CompTy);
+      llvm::Type *CoerceTy = llvm::StructType::get(FPTy, FPTy);
+      auto AI = ABIArgInfo::getDirect(CoerceTy);
+      AI.setCanBeFlattened(false);
+      return AI;
+    }
+  }
+  // Vectors are passed directly.
+  if (isVectorArgumentType(Ty))
+    return ABIArgInfo::getDirect();
+  // Handle structures. They are returned by value.
+  // If not complex like types, they are passed in GPRs, if possible.
+  if (isAggregateTypeForABI(Ty) || Ty->isAnyComplexType()) {
+    // Since an aggregate may end up in registers, pass the aggregate as
+    // array. This is usually beneficial since we avoid forcing the back-end
+    // to store the argument to memory.
efriedma-quic wrote:

You might want to use byval for large struct types.  The semantics are 
effectively the same, but the backend can handle it more efficiently (e.g. by 
calling memcpy).  For ARM, we use a threshold of 64 bytes.

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