probinson added a comment.

In, @mehdi_amini wrote:

> I don't follow: IMO if I generate a module with optnone and pipe it to `opt 
> -O3` I expect no function IR to be touched. If it is not the case it is a bug.

Your opinion and expectation are not supported by the IR spec.  Optnone skips 
"most" optimization passes.  It is not practical (or was not, at the time) to 
make the -O3 pipeline behave exactly the same as the -O0 pipeline, and also not 
actually necessary to support the purpose for which 'optnone' was invented.

If you have a goal of making 'optnone' functions use the actual -O0 pipeline, 
while non-optnone functions use the optimizing pipeline, more power to you and 
you will need to take up that particular design challenge with Chandler first.

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