AsafBadouh added a comment.


Comment at: emmintrin.h:1607
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSD / MOVSD </c> instruction.
kromanova wrote:
> RKSimon wrote:
> > kromanova wrote:
> > > kromanova wrote:
> > > > kromanova wrote:
> > > > > probinson wrote:
> > > > > > should this be VMOVQ/MOVQ instead?
> > > > > Probably yes. Let me know if you have a different opinion.
> > > > >  
> > > > > If I use this intrinsic by itself, clang generates VMOVSD 
> > > > > instruction. 
> > > > > It happens because the default domain is chooses to generate smaller 
> > > > > instruction code. 
> > > > > I got confused because I couldn't find Intel's documentation about 
> > > > > _mm_loadu_si64, so I just wrote a test like the one below and looked 
> > > > > what instructions got generated.
> > > > > 
> > > > > ```
> > > > > __m128i foo22 (void const * __a)
> > > > > {
> > > > >   return _mm_loadu_si64 (__a);
> > > > > }
> > > > > ```
> > > > > 
> > > > > However, if I change the test and use an intrisic to add 2 64-bit 
> > > > > integers after the load intrinsics, I can see that VMOVQ instruction 
> > > > > gets generated.
> > > > > 
> > > > > ```
> > > > > __m128d foo44 (double const * __a)
> > > > > {
> > > > >   __m128i first  = _mm_loadu_si64 (__a);
> > > > >   __m128i second = _mm_loadu_si64 (__a);
> > > > >   return _mm_add_epi64(first, second);
> > > > > 
> > > > > }
> > > > > ```
> > > > > 
> > > > > So, as you see clang could generate either VMOVSD/MOVSD or 
> > > > > VMOVSQ/MOVSQ. I think it makes sense to change the documentation as 
> > > > > Paul suggested:
> > > > > 
> > > > > /// This intrinsic corresponds to the VMOVSQ/MOVSQ.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Or, alternatively, we could list all the instructions that correspond 
> > > > > to this intrinsics:
> > > > > 
> > > > > /// This intrinsic corresponds to the VMOVSQ/MOVSQ/VMOVSD/MOVSD.
> > > > > 
> > > > >           
> > > > It will be interesting to hear Asaf Badoug opinion, since he added this 
> > > > intrisic. He probably has access to Intel's documentation for this 
> > > > intrinsic too (which I wasn't able to find online).
> > > There is a similar situation for one intrisic just a few lines above, 
> > > namely _mm_loadu_pd. It could generate either VMOVUPD / MOVUPD or 
> > > VMOVUPS/MOVUPS instructions. 
> > > I have actually asked Simon question about it offline just a couple of 
> > > days ago. 
> > > 
> > > I decided to kept referring to VMOVUPD / MOVUPD as a corresponding 
> > > instruction for _mm_loadu_pd. However, if we end up doing things 
> > > differently for _mm_loadu_si64, we need to do a similar change to 
> > > _mm_loadu_pd (and probably to some other intrinsics).
> > It should be VMOVQ/MOVQ (note NOT VMOVSQ/MOVSQ!). Whatever the domain fixup 
> > code does to it, that was the original intent of the code and matches what 
> > other compilers says it will (probably) be.
> Yep, sorry, inaccurate editing after copy and paste. Thank you for noticing.
> I agree should say VMOVQ/MOVQ (similar to what is done for _mm_loadu_pd that 
> we discussed a few days ago).
> I will do this change and reload the review shortly.
sorry for the late response.
In general, not all the intrinsics will lowered to the exact instruction that 
described in the software manual guide.
We do make effort that the intrinsics will be implemented as C-style functions, 
it can help the compiler to optimized the code.
you can see that in all the arithmetic intrinsics as example.

it seems that you already got the answer to your questions from the Simon.

BTW, Intel has nice tool that contain descriptions for all the intrinsics.


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