mgorny added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Basic/Targets.cpp:1808
+    if (HostTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86)
+      HostTarget->setCPU("i586");
jlebar wrote:
> mgorny wrote:
> > jlebar wrote:
> > > Okay, is this still needed now?
> > Yes. I've specifically tested with it commented out, and the CPU gets 
> > initiated to generic (=no inline atomics) then.
> Yes, but is that a bug?  Does that break the test?
> I thought the problem we were trying to solve here was that CUDA host and 
> device builds did not define the same macros.  And I thought that setCPU 
> modified the values for MaxAtomicInlineWidth and MaxAtomicPromoteWidth.  
> Moreover I thought that we called HostTarget->setCPU before calling this 
> function.
> If all of those things are true, I don't see what problem we're solving by 
> calling HostTarget->setCPU("i586") here.
Well, the thing is, we don't call `HostTarget->setCPU()` before this function. 
We just call `AllocateTarget()`, and it does not set the CPU.

Normally the CPU is set in Driver, based on `-march` etc. if provided, with 
fallback to platform-specific defaults. In the case of host-side CUDA build, 
the Driver sets x86-specific CPU. While the defaults differ per platform, for 
all platforms supporting CUDA it's i586+.

Now, for the target-side, the Driver creates NVPTX target, and sets 
NVPTX-specific CPU. The `HostTarget` instance is only created within 
`NVPTXTargetInfo`, and so we need to `setCPU()` explicitly. Since we can 
reliably assume that the host-side will be i586+, we use `i586` here.

So far this didn't matter since all atomic properties were defined statically. 
However, this patch changes them to adjust to the CPU used, and so if the 
`X8632TargetInfo` instance is allocated without an explicit `setCPU()` call, it 
defaults to generic x86 (= no inline atomics available) which is different from 
the host platform default. As a result, different macros are defined and the 
test fails.

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