Hahnfeld added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/Tools.cpp:8683
   if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib, options::OPT_nodefaultlibs))
-    addOpenMPRuntime(CmdArgs, getToolChain(), Args);
+    addOpenMPRuntime(CmdArgs, getToolChain(), Args, JA);
pirama wrote:
> `addOpenMPRuntime` would add `-lomptarget` even for this call if JA satisfies 
> the newly added check.  That's a deviation from exisiting behavior.  Am I 
> missing some invariant here where `JobAction`s along this path don't have an 
> offloading action?
Right, as I noted in the summary: `This enables libomptarget for Darwin, 
FreeBSD and NetBSD`

I don't see a problem with that, it's rather an inconsistency in the current 


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