jmorse wrote:

> Maybe it's too big/complex a problem to try to think about, and incremental 
> development should overrule here - but may be worth thinking about?

Urgh. I'll admit that I hadn't thought that far ahead, I just wanted to get the 
patch-series going again now that the root problem is identified.

The DWARF in the existing patch series [0] seems to take a similar direction to 
this patch, of putting information into declarations where possible. Have a 
look at the check-lines for 
llvm/test/DebugInfo/Generic/lexical-block-static-var.ll: the static-local 
variables are defined and given a location inside DW_TAG_lexical_blocks within 
the abstract definitions of functions, and then there are some other 
DW_TAG_lexical_blocks inside the inlined instances. It's not clear to me how 
the inlined-lexical-blocks refer back to the abstract ones.

I don't have a complete understanding of how the entire patch series operates, 
but types-and-variables-in-declarations appears to be where we're heading. It 
makes sense for our metadata to reflect this. Given that the ODR-uniquing issue 
was only found experimentally in-the-field, I think we have to accept the 
incremental approach and discover problems by experience.

Stepping back slightly: I think the ODR-uniquing of these types is directly 
opposed to scope-precision: reducing the number of type definitions down to one 
_necessarily_ means discarding the extra locality information about where it's 
scoped in different function instances. Given that the ODR-uniquing facility 
already exists, I assume it's not something that can be turned off due to 
efficiency reasons. Thus we're reduced to workarounds while pushing towards the 

[0] final significant patch , you have to 
manually delete the phab-error overlay
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