djasper added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Format/Format.h:309
+  /// inheritance.
+  bool BreakInhertianceBeforeColonAndComma;
Hm. I am still not sure about this flag and it's name. Fundamentally, this is 
currently controlling two different things:
- Whether to wrap before or after colon and comma
- Whether or not to force wraps for multiple inheritance

That's going to get us in trouble if at some point people also want other 
combinations of these two things. I have to alternative suggestions:
- Add a single flag (e.g. InheritanceListWrapping) with multiple enum values 
describing the
  various choices.
- Don't add a flag at all, but instead break inheritance lists exactly like 
constructor initializers.
  I *think* that should solve all the know use cases for now, is easier to 
configure for users
  and we can cross the bridge of naming additional flags when we have to.

Comment at: lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:2400
+// Returns 'true' if there is an TT_InheritanceComma in the current token list.
+static bool hasMultipleInheritance(const FormatToken &Tok) {
+  for (const FormatToken* nextTok = Tok.Next; nextTok; nextTok = nextTok->Next)
I don't think you need this. If you set MustBreakBefore to true for the 
InheritanceCommas and set NoLineBreak to true when adding the InheritanceColon 
on the same line, then clang-format will already do the right thing.

Fundamentally, this seems to be identical to how we wrap constructor 
initializer lists in Mozilla style. So I think we should also implement this 
the same way (if not even reusing the same implementation).


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