erichkeane marked 15 inline comments as done.
erichkeane added a comment.

Comments on 2 cases, otherwise a Patch incoming that fixes the rest of Aaron's 

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/
+def AllocAlign : InheritableAttr {
+  let Spellings = [ GCC<"alloc_align"> ];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[Function]>;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Extra spaces in the declaration that do not match the style of the rest of 
> the file (same happens below).
Strangely, this is ClangFormat at work :/

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/
+  let Spellings = [ GCC<"alloc_align"> ];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[Function]>;
+  let Args = [ IntArgument<"ParamIndex"> ];
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Is this subject line correct, or should it be using `HasFunctionProto` 
> instead? How does GCC handle something like `void *blah() 
> __attribute__((alloc_align(1)));` in C code?
I'm not sure what HasFunctionProto means in this case.

Either way, GCC does basically ZERO SEMA here, so GCC would allow that to 
happen, then simply ignore the attribute.  We're enforcing that in the SEMA 
changes below.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp:4374
+    } else if (const auto *AA = TargetDecl->getAttr<AllocAlignAttr>()) {
+      llvm::Value *ParamVal = IRCallArgs[AA->getParamIndex() - 1];
+      EmitAlignmentAssumption(Ret.getScalarVal(), ParamVal);
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Instead of hoping all of the callers of `getParamIndex()` will remember that 
> this is a weird one-based thing, why not give the semantic attribute the 
> correct index when attaching the attribute to the declaration?
I played with this for a while, and the difficulty is that AddAllocAlignAttr 
requires the 1-based index, since it needs to error based on that number.  
Additionally, decrementing the value BEFORE that function becomes difficult, 
since it is an Expr object at that time (which would get messy in the template 

I cannot alter it in the AddAllocAlignAttr function, since that function 
actually gets called TWICE in the template instantiation case, so I'd likely 
need some sort of flag that told whether to treat it as decremented or not.  In 
general, this gets really ugly really quickly.

Basically, I don't see a good place to decrement the value anywhere without 
causing a much more significant change.  

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp:806
+/// \brief Checks to be sure that the given parameter number is inbounds, and 
+/// an some integral type. Will emit appropriate diagnostics if this returns
+/// false.
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Remove the "some".
This is what I get for just C&P'ing the existing comment :)

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp:1599
+  int IndexVal;
+  if (!checkPositiveIntArgument(*this, TmpAttr, ParamExpr, IndexVal,
+                                /*Index=*/1))
aaron.ballman wrote:
> It seems strange to me that you check that it's a positive integer argument 
> before checking the param is an integer type.
> Why not use `checkFunctionOrMethodParameterIndex()`?
I'm unaware of checkFunctionOrMethodParameterIndex, there are a ton of odd free 
fucntions around here, I just copied from some of the surrounding functions.

That said, these two poorly named functions are actually checking 2 different 
pieces of data.  So in the case of:
void func(int foo) __attribute__((alloc_align(1));

The "checkPositiveIntArgument" checks to ensure that '1' is a positive integer. 
 "checkParamIsIntegerType" checks that "foo" (the corresponding parameter) is 
an integer, and that '1' is in range.

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