rsmith added a comment.

Thank you, some of these test typos are ... alarming. =)

A couple of the test updates don't look quite right, but this mostly looks 

Comment at: test/Driver/amdgpu-features.c:1
-// RUN: %clang -### -target amdgcn -x cl -S -emit-llvm -mcpu=kaveri 
-mamdgpu-debugger-abi=0.0 %s -o 2>&1 \
 // RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-MAMDGPU-DEBUGGER-ABI-0-0 %s
This should say `-o -`

Comment at: test/Driver/amdgpu-features.c:5
-// RUN: %clang -### -target amdgcn -x cl -S -emit-llvm -mcpu=kaveri 
-mamdgpu-debugger-abi=1.0 %s -o 2>&1 \
 // RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-MAMDGPU-DEBUGGER-ABI-1-0 %s

Comment at: test/Driver/split-debug.h:6-13
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -gsplit-dwarf -c -fmodules 
-emit-module -fno-implicit-modules -fno-implicit-module-maps -### %s 2> %t
 // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-NO-ACTIONS < %t %s
 // FIXME: This should fail using clang, except that the type of the output for
 // an object output with modules is given as clang::driver::types::TY_PCH
 // rather than TY_Object.
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -gsplit-dwarf -c -fmodules 
-### %s 2> %t
These parts of the test don't make sense: the `-fmodule-format=obj` and 
`-emit-module` are `-cc1` options, so testing how the driver deals with them 
doesn't really make a lot of sense. I would suggest deleting the highlighted 
region of this test rather than making it test the same thing three times.

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