vsk created this revision.

Adding an unsigned offset to a base pointer has undefined behavior if
the result of the expression would precede the base. An example from

  int foo(char *p, unsigned offset) {
    return p + offset >= p; // This may be optimized to '1'.
  foo(p, -1); // UB.

This patch extends the pointer overflow check in ubsan to detect invalid
unsigned pointer index expressions. It changes the instrumentation to
only permit non-negative offsets in pointer index expressions when all
of the GEP indices are unsigned.

Aside: If anyone has a better name for this type of bug, I'm all ears.
Using "unsigned pointer index expression" could be a problem, because it
sounds like an indexing expression with an _unsigned pointer_.



Index: test/CodeGen/ubsan-pointer-overflow.m
--- test/CodeGen/ubsan-pointer-overflow.m
+++ test/CodeGen/ubsan-pointer-overflow.m
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
   // CHECK:  [[BASE:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* {{.*}} to i64, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[COMPGEP:%.*]] = add i64 [[BASE]], 1, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSVALID:%.*]] = icmp uge i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-NEXT: [[NEGVALID:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DIFFVALID:%.*]] = select i1 true, i1 [[POSVALID]], i1 [[NEGVALID]], !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-NEXT: [[VALID:%.*]] = and i1 true, [[DIFFVALID]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[VALID:%.*]] = and i1 true, [[POSVALID]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[VALID]]{{.*}}, !nosanitize
   // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}, i64 [[BASE]], i64 [[COMPGEP]]){{.*}}, !nosanitize
@@ -34,11 +32,11 @@
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[SMULVAL:%.*]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[SMUL]], 0, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[BASE:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* {{.*}} to i64, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[COMPGEP:%.*]] = add i64 [[BASE]], [[SMULVAL]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[OFFSETVALID:%.*]] = xor i1 [[OFFSETOFLOW]], true, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSVALID:%.*]] = icmp uge i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-NEXT: [[NEGVALID:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSOFFSET:%.*]] = icmp sge i64 [[SMULVAL]], 0, !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-DAG: [[OFFSETVALID:%.*]] = xor i1 [[OFFSETOFLOW]], true, !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-DAG: [[DIFFVALID:%.*]] = select i1 [[POSOFFSET]], i1 [[POSVALID]], i1 [[NEGVALID]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[NEGVALID:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DIFFVALID:%.*]] = select i1 [[POSOFFSET]], i1 [[POSVALID]], i1 [[NEGVALID]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK: [[VALID:%.*]] = and i1 [[OFFSETVALID]], [[DIFFVALID]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[VALID]]{{.*}}, !nosanitize
   // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}, i64 [[BASE]], i64 [[COMPGEP]]){{.*}}, !nosanitize
@@ -50,6 +48,27 @@
   p - i;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @binary_arith_unsigned
+void binary_arith_unsigned(char *p, unsigned i) {
+  // CHECK: [[SMUL:%.*]] = call { i64, i1 } @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i64(i64 1, i64 %{{.*}}), !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[SMULOFLOW:%.*]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[SMUL]], 1, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[OFFSETOFLOW:%.*]] = or i1 false, [[SMULOFLOW]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[SMULVAL:%.*]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[SMUL]], 0, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[BASE:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* {{.*}} to i64, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[COMPGEP:%.*]] = add i64 [[BASE]], [[SMULVAL]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[OFFSETVALID:%.*]] = xor i1 [[OFFSETOFLOW]], true, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSVALID:%.*]] = icmp uge i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[VALID:%.*]] = and i1 [[OFFSETVALID]], [[POSVALID]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[VALID]]{{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}, i64 [[BASE]], i64 [[COMPGEP]]){{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  p + i;
+  // CHECK: [[OFFSET:%.*]] = sub i64 0, {{.*}}
+  // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds {{.*}} [[OFFSET]]
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}
+  p - i;
 // CHECK-LABEL: define void @fixed_len_array
 void fixed_len_array(int k) {
   // CHECK: getelementptr inbounds [10 x [10 x i32]], [10 x [10 x i32]]* [[ARR:%.*]], i64 0, i64 [[IDXPROM:%.*]]
@@ -59,11 +78,11 @@
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[SMULVAL:%.*]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[SMUL]], 0, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[BASE:%.*]] = ptrtoint [10 x [10 x i32]]* [[ARR]] to i64, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[COMPGEP:%.*]] = add i64 [[BASE]], [[SMULVAL]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[OFFSETVALID:%.*]] = xor i1 [[OFFSETOFLOW]], true, !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSVALID:%.*]] = icmp uge i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-NEXT: [[NEGVALID:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: [[POSOFFSET:%.*]] = icmp sge i64 [[SMULVAL]], 0, !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-DAG: [[OFFSETVALID:%.*]] = xor i1 [[OFFSETOFLOW]], true, !nosanitize
-  // CHECK-DAG: [[DIFFVALID:%.*]] = select i1 [[POSOFFSET]], i1 [[POSVALID]], i1 [[NEGVALID]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[NEGVALID:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[COMPGEP]], [[BASE]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DIFFVALID:%.*]] = select i1 [[POSOFFSET]], i1 [[POSVALID]], i1 [[NEGVALID]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK: [[VALID:%.*]] = and i1 [[OFFSETVALID]], [[DIFFVALID]], !nosanitize
   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[VALID]]{{.*}}, !nosanitize
   // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}, i64 [[BASE]], i64 [[COMPGEP]]){{.*}}, !nosanitize
@@ -101,6 +120,24 @@
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @pointer_array_unsigned_indices
+void pointer_array_unsigned_indices(int **arr, unsigned k) {
+  // CHECK-NOT: select
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}
+  // CHECK-NOT: select
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}
+  arr[k][k];
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @pointer_array_mixed_indices
+void pointer_array_mixed_indices(int **arr, int i, unsigned j) {
+  // CHECK: select
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}
+  // CHECK-NOT: select
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow{{.*}}
+  arr[i][j];
 struct S1 {
   int pad1;
   union {
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -3554,8 +3554,10 @@
   /// Same as IRBuilder::CreateInBoundsGEP, but additionally emits a check to
   /// detect undefined behavior when the pointer overflow sanitizer is enabled.
+  /// \p SignedIndices indicates whether any of the GEP indices are signed.
   llvm::Value *EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(llvm::Value *Ptr,
                                       ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> IdxList,
+                                      bool SignedIndices,
                                       SourceLocation Loc,
                                       const Twine &Name = "");
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
@@ -1851,6 +1851,7 @@
   llvm::Value *input;
   int amount = (isInc ? 1 : -1);
+  bool signedIndex = !isInc;
   if (const AtomicType *atomicTy = type->getAs<AtomicType>()) {
     type = atomicTy->getValueType();
@@ -1940,8 +1941,8 @@
       if (CGF.getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined())
         value = Builder.CreateGEP(value, numElts, "vla.inc");
-        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, numElts, E->getExprLoc(),
-                                           "vla.inc");
+        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, numElts, signedIndex,
+                                           E->getExprLoc(), "vla.inc");
     // Arithmetic on function pointers (!) is just +-1.
     } else if (type->isFunctionType()) {
@@ -1951,18 +1952,18 @@
       if (CGF.getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined())
         value = Builder.CreateGEP(value, amt, "incdec.funcptr");
-        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, amt, E->getExprLoc(),
-                                           "incdec.funcptr");
+        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, amt, signedIndex,
+                                           E->getExprLoc(), "incdec.funcptr");
       value = Builder.CreateBitCast(value, input->getType());
     // For everything else, we can just do a simple increment.
     } else {
       llvm::Value *amt = Builder.getInt32(amount);
       if (CGF.getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined())
         value = Builder.CreateGEP(value, amt, "incdec.ptr");
-        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, amt, E->getExprLoc(),
-                                           "incdec.ptr");
+        value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, amt, signedIndex,
+                                           E->getExprLoc(), "incdec.ptr");
   // Vector increment/decrement.
@@ -2043,8 +2044,8 @@
     if (CGF.getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined())
       value = Builder.CreateGEP(value, sizeValue, "incdec.objptr");
-      value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, sizeValue, E->getExprLoc(),
-                                         "incdec.objptr");
+      value = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(value, sizeValue, signedIndex,
+                                         E->getExprLoc(), "incdec.objptr");
     value = Builder.CreateBitCast(value, input->getType());
@@ -2661,13 +2662,14 @@
     std::swap(pointerOperand, indexOperand);
+  bool isSigned = indexOperand->getType()->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType();
   unsigned width = cast<llvm::IntegerType>(index->getType())->getBitWidth();
   auto &DL = CGF.CGM.getDataLayout();
   auto PtrTy = cast<llvm::PointerType>(pointer->getType());
   if (width != DL.getTypeSizeInBits(PtrTy)) {
     // Zero-extend or sign-extend the pointer value according to
     // whether the index is signed or not.
-    bool isSigned = indexOperand->getType()->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType();
     index = CGF.Builder.CreateIntCast(index, DL.getIntPtrType(PtrTy), isSigned,
@@ -2711,8 +2713,8 @@
       pointer = CGF.Builder.CreateGEP(pointer, index, "add.ptr");
     } else {
       index = CGF.Builder.CreateNSWMul(index, numElements, "vla.index");
-      pointer = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(pointer, index, op.E->getExprLoc(),
-                                           "add.ptr");
+      pointer = CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(pointer, index, isSigned,
+                                           op.E->getExprLoc(), "add.ptr");
     return pointer;
@@ -2729,8 +2731,8 @@
   if (CGF.getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined())
     return CGF.Builder.CreateGEP(pointer, index, "add.ptr");
-  return CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(pointer, index, op.E->getExprLoc(),
-                                    "add.ptr");
+  return CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(pointer, index, isSigned,
+                                    op.E->getExprLoc(), "add.ptr");
 // Construct an fmuladd intrinsic to represent a fused mul-add of MulOp and
@@ -3848,6 +3850,7 @@
 Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(Value *Ptr,
                                                ArrayRef<Value *> IdxList,
+                                               bool SignedIndices,
                                                SourceLocation Loc,
                                                const Twine &Name) {
   Value *GEPVal = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Ptr, IdxList, Name);
@@ -3951,12 +3954,18 @@
   // 1) The total offset doesn't overflow, and
   // 2) The sign of the difference between the computed address and the base
   // pointer matches the sign of the total offset.
-  llvm::Value *PosOrZeroValid = Builder.CreateICmpUGE(ComputedGEP, IntPtr);
-  llvm::Value *NegValid = Builder.CreateICmpULT(ComputedGEP, IntPtr);
-  auto *PosOrZeroOffset = Builder.CreateICmpSGE(TotalOffset, Zero);
-  llvm::Value *ValidGEP = Builder.CreateAnd(
-      Builder.CreateNot(OffsetOverflows),
-      Builder.CreateSelect(PosOrZeroOffset, PosOrZeroValid, NegValid));
+  llvm::Value *ValidGEP;
+  auto *NoOffsetOverflow = Builder.CreateNot(OffsetOverflows);
+  auto *PosOrZeroValid = Builder.CreateICmpUGE(ComputedGEP, IntPtr);
+  if (SignedIndices) {
+    auto *PosOrZeroOffset = Builder.CreateICmpSGE(TotalOffset, Zero);
+    llvm::Value *NegValid = Builder.CreateICmpULT(ComputedGEP, IntPtr);
+    ValidGEP = Builder.CreateAnd(
+        NoOffsetOverflow,
+        Builder.CreateSelect(PosOrZeroOffset, PosOrZeroValid, NegValid));
+  } else {
+    ValidGEP = Builder.CreateAnd(NoOffsetOverflow, PosOrZeroValid);
+  }
   llvm::Constant *StaticArgs[] = {EmitCheckSourceLocation(Loc)};
   // Pass the computed GEP to the runtime to avoid emitting poisoned arguments.
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
@@ -3002,10 +3002,11 @@
                                           llvm::Value *ptr,
                                           ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> indices,
                                           bool inbounds,
+                                          bool signedIndices,
                                           SourceLocation loc,
                                     const llvm::Twine &name = "arrayidx") {
   if (inbounds) {
-    return CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(ptr, indices, loc, name);
+    return CGF.EmitCheckedInBoundsGEP(ptr, indices, signedIndices, loc, name);
   } else {
     return CGF.Builder.CreateGEP(ptr, indices, name);
@@ -3038,7 +3039,7 @@
 static Address emitArraySubscriptGEP(CodeGenFunction &CGF, Address addr,
                                      ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> indices,
                                      QualType eltType, bool inbounds,
-                                     SourceLocation loc,
+                                     bool signedIndices, SourceLocation loc,
                                      const llvm::Twine &name = "arrayidx") {
   // All the indices except that last must be zero.
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -3058,8 +3059,8 @@
   CharUnits eltAlign =
     getArrayElementAlign(addr.getAlignment(), indices.back(), eltSize);
-  llvm::Value *eltPtr =
-    emitArraySubscriptGEP(CGF, addr.getPointer(), indices, inbounds, loc, name);
+  llvm::Value *eltPtr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(
+      CGF, addr.getPointer(), indices, inbounds, signedIndices, loc, name);
   return Address(eltPtr, eltAlign);
@@ -3069,6 +3070,7 @@
   // in lexical order (this complexity is, sadly, required by C++17).
   llvm::Value *IdxPre =
       (E->getLHS() == E->getIdx()) ? EmitScalarExpr(E->getIdx()) : nullptr;
+  bool SignedIndices = false;
   auto EmitIdxAfterBase = [&, IdxPre](bool Promote) -> llvm::Value * {
     auto *Idx = IdxPre;
     if (E->getLHS() != E->getIdx()) {
@@ -3078,6 +3080,7 @@
     QualType IdxTy = E->getIdx()->getType();
     bool IdxSigned = IdxTy->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType();
+    SignedIndices |= IdxSigned;
     if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::ArrayBounds))
       EmitBoundsCheck(E, E->getBase(), Idx, IdxTy, Accessed);
@@ -3113,7 +3116,7 @@
     QualType EltType = LV.getType()->castAs<VectorType>()->getElementType();
     Addr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Addr, Idx, EltType, /*inbounds*/ true,
-                                 E->getExprLoc());
+                                 SignedIndices, E->getExprLoc());
     return MakeAddrLValue(Addr, EltType, LV.getBaseInfo());
@@ -3142,7 +3145,7 @@
     Addr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Addr, Idx, vla->getElementType(),
-                                 E->getExprLoc());
+                                 SignedIndices, E->getExprLoc());
   } else if (const ObjCObjectType *OIT = E->getType()->getAs<ObjCObjectType>()){
     // Indexing over an interface, as in "NSString *P; P[4];"
@@ -3167,8 +3170,9 @@
     // Do the GEP.
     CharUnits EltAlign =
       getArrayElementAlign(Addr.getAlignment(), Idx, InterfaceSize);
-    llvm::Value *EltPtr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(
-        *this, Addr.getPointer(), ScaledIdx, false, E->getExprLoc());
+    llvm::Value *EltPtr =
+        emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Addr.getPointer(), ScaledIdx, false,
+                              SignedIndices, E->getExprLoc());
     Addr = Address(EltPtr, EltAlign);
     // Cast back.
@@ -3190,19 +3194,18 @@
     auto *Idx = EmitIdxAfterBase(/*Promote*/true);
     // Propagate the alignment from the array itself to the result.
-    Addr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, ArrayLV.getAddress(),
-                                 {CGM.getSize(CharUnits::Zero()), Idx},
-                                 E->getType(),
-                                 !getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined(),
-                                 E->getExprLoc());
+    Addr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(
+        *this, ArrayLV.getAddress(), {CGM.getSize(CharUnits::Zero()), Idx},
+        E->getType(), !getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined(), SignedIndices,
+        E->getExprLoc());
     BaseInfo = ArrayLV.getBaseInfo();
   } else {
     // The base must be a pointer; emit it with an estimate of its alignment.
     Addr = EmitPointerWithAlignment(E->getBase(), &BaseInfo);
     auto *Idx = EmitIdxAfterBase(/*Promote*/true);
     Addr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Addr, Idx, E->getType(),
-                                 E->getExprLoc());
+                                 SignedIndices, E->getExprLoc());
   LValue LV = MakeAddrLValue(Addr, E->getType(), BaseInfo);
@@ -3375,7 +3378,7 @@
       Idx = Builder.CreateNSWMul(Idx, NumElements);
     EltPtr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Base, Idx, VLA->getElementType(),
-                                   E->getExprLoc());
+                                   /*SignedIndices=*/false, E->getExprLoc());
   } else if (const Expr *Array = isSimpleArrayDecayOperand(E->getBase())) {
     // If this is A[i] where A is an array, the frontend will have decayed the
     // base to be a ArrayToPointerDecay implicit cast.  While correct, it is
@@ -3395,14 +3398,14 @@
     EltPtr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(
         *this, ArrayLV.getAddress(), {CGM.getSize(CharUnits::Zero()), Idx},
         ResultExprTy, !getLangOpts().isSignedOverflowDefined(),
-        E->getExprLoc());
+        /*SignedIndices=*/false, E->getExprLoc());
     BaseInfo = ArrayLV.getBaseInfo();
   } else {
     Address Base = emitOMPArraySectionBase(*this, E->getBase(), BaseInfo,
                                            BaseTy, ResultExprTy, IsLowerBound);
     EltPtr = emitArraySubscriptGEP(*this, Base, Idx, ResultExprTy,
-                                   E->getExprLoc());
+                                   /*SignedIndices=*/false, E->getExprLoc());
   return MakeAddrLValue(EltPtr, ResultExprTy, BaseInfo);
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