anemet added inline comments.

Comment at: test/Frontend/optimization-remark-with-hotness.c:1-34
+// Generate instrumentation and sampling profile data.
 // RUN: llvm-profdata merge \
-// RUN:     %S/Inputs/optimization-remark-with-hotness.proftext   \
+// RUN:     %S/Inputs/optimization-remark-with-hotness.proftext \
 // RUN:     -o %t.profdata
+// RUN: llvm-profdata merge -sample \
+// RUN:     %S/Inputs/optimization-remark-with-hotness-sample.proftext \
+// RUN:     -o %t-sample.profdata
Why don't you put the sampling test right under the instrumented test.  Also I 
don't think we want a separate --check-prefix for it.  It should just use the 
default CHECK since the entire point is that the two should be identical.  In 
other words, please check that we don't warn on either case.

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