rjmccall added a comment.

Okay.  In that case, I see two problems, one major and one potentially major.

The major problem is that, as Richard alludes to, you need to make sure you 
emit any on-demand definitions that Sema registered with CodeGen during the 
initial CGM's lifetime but used in later CGMs.  Probably the easiest way of 
doing that is to eliminate CodeGenModule's dependence on having on-demand 
definitions pre-registered with it: that is, if it emits a reference to a 
declaration whose definition already exists in the AST, CodeGenModule should 
use that definition even if e.g. HandleTopLevelDecl has not been called.  
Calling HandleTopLevelDecl would only be necessary if the definition is 
discovered/instantiated after code is generated for the use.  I see little 
advantage to the current rule, and doing this would also be a nice 
quality-of-life improvement for various out-of-tree projects (including Swift, 
but IIRC there are several others) which deserialize references to a complete 
AST, and which currently have to walk the definition and recursively register 
any definitions used within.

The potentially major problem is that it is not possible in general to 
automatically break up a single translation unit into multiple translation 
units, for two reasons.  The big reason is that there is no way to correctly 
handle entities with non-external linkage that are referenced from two parts of 
the translation unit without implicitly finding some way to promote them to 
external linkage, which might open a huge can of worms if you have multiple 
"outer" translation units.  The lesser reason is that the prefix of a valid 
translation unit is not necessarily a valid translation unit: for example, a 
static or inline function can be defined at an arbitrary within the translation 
unit, i.e. not necessarily before its first use.  But if your use case somehow 
defines away these problems, this might be fine.

As a minor request, if you are going to make HandleTranslationUnit no longer 
the final call on CodeGenerator, please either add a new method that *is* a 
guaranteed final call or add a new method that does the whole "end a previous 
part of the translation unit and start a new one" step.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/ModuleBuilder.cpp:328
+llvm::Module *CodeGenerator::StartModule(const std::string& ModuleName,
+                                         llvm::LLVMContext& C) {
Why does this one take a const std::string & instead of a StringRef?



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