jordan_rose added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt:27
+    STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" file_contents "${file_contents}")
+    if ("${file_contents}" MATCHES "^gitdir:")
+      # '.git' is indeed a link to the submodule's Git directory.
How about

if("${file_contents}" MATCHES "^gitdir: ([^\n]+)")
  set(git_path "${git_path}${CMAKE_MATCH_0}")

and then no stripping or replacing later at all? This admittedly doesn't handle 
some future submodule format that doesn't put `gitdir` on the first line, but 
neither does the code that's there.

(This also doesn't handle absolute path submodule references, but looking 
around a bit makes it sound like those aren't supposed to occur in practice and 
are considered bugs when git does generate them. I could be wrong about that 

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